Does anyone know what channel the riots are on?

Reports coming in that a decision has been made. Suppose to announce today.

Get your fucking popcorn, cause this is gonna be a riot.

Seriously though, I'm gonna laugh when the first fire starts. "Yup dumbass, that's YOUR neighborhood you are burning."

Maybe all the shop owners will take their insurance money and leave town and leave the crowd with burnt up hell hole they created.
When this shit storm first started I remember seeing on the news that the Korean and Indian shop keepers sort of got together and stood in and on their stores, armed and defended them.

They were roundly ridiculed, yet their shit didn't get jacked.
The southern poverty law center?
You're using an opinion from a well known far left radical activist group. lmao

so let me see if i have this right: you call the SPLC is a "radical group", but you see absolutely no problem in citing white supremacist jared taylor or holocaust denier victor thorn?


i guess you're trying to hide your bald head by becoming a fucking skinhead, eh?
When this shit storm first started I remember seeing on the news that the Korean and Indian shop keepers sort of got together and stood in and on their stores, armed and defended them.

They were roundly ridiculed, yet their shit didn't get jacked.

Exactly what I would do. If a person wasn't already in good with their business neighbors, now would be the time to. Gonna be hard to give a fuck about being ridiculed, when you are making money hand over fist being one of the shops that is still open for business after all this ends.

From a political standpoint, who's shops are gonna be firearm free and unguarded? Yeah, you wait for the cops and don't defend it yourself. Let me know how that goes.
decision reached.release later today.Dish network has been boring lately so might actually turn on the news for some gripping reality t.v. mankind at it's finest
Reports coming in that a decision has been made. Suppose to announce today.

decision reached.release later today.Dish network has been boring lately so might actually turn on the news for some gripping reality t.v. mankind at it's finest


Some claims of an 8pm CT announcement. Cool, wait until its dark, then open the gates.

I'm really excited. They better not let me down.

People are sheep. All its gonna take is one person going off, and many will follow. Which side, doesn't matter.
But back to the original topic of the thread...

I've most of the US news networks (even Fox, if you'd consider that news, lol) so someone post up when it kicks off.

Live stream would be awesome.

Kisses xxx
Could they have picked a worse time to announce? I was thinking he'd not get indicted but I can't imagine they would make THAT announcement at 8pm. So I think that points to an indictment coming. If not, the local officials are idiots.
they have people telling them about past riots and when to do this for least damage.and no interference in daily life of civilians.frankly its the best of a bad deal
they say no one can be indicted unless in custody.and they havent asked wilson to come in so sounds like its gonna be a no indictment.gripping tv i must say