Does anyone know what is ring with my plant? Pictures included


Well-Known Member
And i may be wrong because I can't zoom in to your pic without it getting kinda blury... but what does your soil or coco have in it for aeration? It looks really dark if im seeing it correctly... looks like you drowning your roots could be part of the problem. Your soil or coco mix should have a decent amount of perlite in it to help let the roots breathe in your medium


Well-Known Member
You are most likely drowning your root system! You need to mix perlite with your compost/soil mix... and if your "compost" mix is from Walmart did you check to see what is ACTUALLY in the compost?

If you do not aerate your soil with perlite then your root system won't get oxygen... and your soil has no way to drain out runoff...

Also I already know you're overwatering...

The brown and yellow spots on your downward droopy leaves is the indicator.

When you water you should water the soil well and make sure the excess drains out of the bottom of your pots. And after you feed, you should not feed again until the pot feels light and the first 2 inches of soil are dry to the touch of your finger... also when you water you wante to water a circle around the outside of the pots so the roots grow outward to search for water. This will encourage bigger root growth. Also... pH your water between 6.0-6.5.

Another thing to worry about with having no drainage in your soil is that the water just sits at the surface of you medium which encourages fungus gnats and mold/mildew... dont be that guy!

Thats my two sense :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I’ve had the same on a bubba kush’98. Kinda looks like a Ca def but it wasn’t. I got it worse in rdwc compared to coco.I’m thinking the wrong pH is a reasonable assumption.