does anyone know what kind of plant this is ?


Active Member
i grew this last yr and i have some seeds from it i dnt know what knd of plant it is it smells really strong like lemons!! and grew nice and bushy nice little buds no big cola on top lots of sugar on it and tasted just like lemons ????:?



Well-Known Member
for sure some type of indica, maybe a kush. Has some purplish tones to it......i have no fucking clue exactly what strain it is.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
after further review (i grew this last year) sounds like bull shit to me .... sorry that's my opinion , , one year latter here i am with these seeds oh my


Active Member
like i said i grew it last yr got some seeds out of it since then ive been growing lowryder i was just wondering if anyone knew what type it was ? how is that bullshit dnt get it buddy ? sounds like you smoked to much to me lol:leaf:


Well-Known Member
It's a heavy producing indica, probably 100% indica.
Beyond that who knows, but it sure looks top notch.


Well-Known Member
dam foo nice ass looking plants. looks pretty good. robert's just a little kid that smoked too much at early age dont know shit.


Well-Known Member
dam dude right after i posted that reply, fukin midget comes back and posts a reply after fukin 1 sec wow crazy ass kid