Does anyone sell pollen?


Active Member
I have 7 strains that are about 3 weeks into flower and I would love to experiment with breeding some variations. All my plants were started from fem seeds, but I was wondering if any of the seed companies -- or private individuals, for that matter, -- sell pollen. Anyone know about this?
Thanx, Robert in Arizona


Well-Known Member
If I hadn't tossed my pollen collection I would have totally sent you a nanner. I haven't heard about seed stores selling pollen but I'm sure you could find it locally if you ask the right people.


Active Member
thanks, but i just grow in the winter. i don't keep a continuous harvest growing. i live in phoenix and it's too hot here to grow in the summer time.


Well-Known Member
Robert, I asked the same thing a few weeks ago. I'll keep any males that come out over the next few months. I know there's 1 or 2 in my current grow. If I can stock up on some pollen then I'll have some for your next grow.

If anybody out there has any pollen from some interesting strains, please PM the OP. If there's extra, please PM me as well. Thanks.


Active Member
Hi Girdweed,
That would be very nice of you ...I will bookmark this page and PM you around Thanksgiving. Rep.
All the best, Robert