Does Anyone Still Smoke Spliffs?

sherry lee

A spliff is a joint made from a blend of tobacco and cannabis with a long history in the weed culture.

It has been the subject of pothead art, movies, and countless songs, most famously the Bob Marley song "Easy Skanking," released way back in 1978. The song begins, "Excuse me, while I light my spliff."

However, the popularity of the beloved spliff in American culture has declined over the years.

Why is that? Will this symbol of weed culture disappear going the way of the lava lamp or a roach clip?

Or will spliffs continue to be popular among weed smokers even as they are eclipsed by new technologies like vapes, CBD oil, concentrates, gummies, and other edibles?
I don't think combining tobacco with weed was ever very popular in the USA-that's a European thing. All of my European friends combined them-they would never think of smoking weed by itself. Time period I hung out with these guys is the 90s. We used to call any particularly spectacular extra long joint a "spliff." I was friends with a Jamaican immigrant even earlier than that who called the massive all cannabis joints he rolled "spliffs" too. The younger potheads I know now, mostly family members and their friends, can't roll a joint for the life of them. I showed them how to roll a blunt because of the simplicity of it, but I'm pretty sure the only time they smoke joints is at festivals and camping. So much good vape technology around now, and also, the widespread availability of high THC weed, has spelled doom for the old ways. Plus, vaping is so much easier on the lungs. You can't beat a nice fat spliff sitting around the campfire with some good people though...damn you Covid!!
Of course we do, hell I'm gonna go light up right now. Wish I was off the tobacco though my lungs are not in a great shape after 25 years of spliffs...
Fucking Europe, so backwards...

Also I think a lot of it comes down to us Europeans don't give a fuck about curing the weed, sell it immediately and profit fuck the customer, I think Holland has a lot of blame there :D
I started rolling spliffs to stretch my stash during prohibition and also help give myself a slightly less stinky footprint when smoking at parks etc.

I still roll 6 spliffs for my wife each morning with about a 80/20 bud to tobacco mix. Ive moved onto mostly concentrates and joints but she is a former smoker and its been a nice compromise that seems to have kept her from buying a pack for the last few years.
Im not gonna lie, a nice flowery or fuel strain with the nutty warmth of tobacco can be a divine treat and im not gonna tell myself the spliffs will kill me before my gut or the chemicals im exposed to in my shop wont get me first.
I never knock anyone for not liking spliffs, kind of like folks who dont drink I totally understand and admire their lack of vices. But for me in my life the spliff holds a special place for better or for worse
As a non smoker I used to enjoy smoking weed with tobacco. I annoyed so many of my smoker friends by pinching some of their cig tips. One buddy would call these cigarettes victims. I stopped adding tobacco when weed started getting tastier.
Yes a joint imo is still the most enjoyable form of smoking weed, that opinion is shared with my associates they're all joint smokers.
Dutch people and a lot of UK people from my experience
It's basically all of Europe that does it, I think it comes from smoking hash.
So I'm guessing it's a middle eastern thing that got imported as well.
Actually spliffs dont have tobacco in them its pure . But yeah ofc i mix mine all the time but just a bit maybe a lil off the tip nothing major . But i know people who fucking put 0.2g of weed and 2g of fucking tobacco (Speaking metaphorical for the tobacco) shit loads to say . And brag about what big joints they smoke XD .
I cringe when someone asks to ‘nic up’ or add some ‘spin’ to cannabis, especially if it’s good home grown stuff. It’s pretty common in Australia. Smoking joints is the best way to really taste the weed IMO, I love that shit but it’s really harsh on the lungs and throat for day in day out smoking.
I know some who mix it 50/50, smoke that shit through a bong and it’s so habit forming they constantly smoke ust to get a nicotine fix
Oh god, just had flashbacks to being 12 and seeing people rip bong loads of straight tobacco as one of those "how tough are you" type things we did at that age.

We called big joints spliffs, but they never contained tobacco. That would be pretty out of place in the US and isn't something anyone I know does.
I cringe when someone asks to ‘nic up’ or add some ‘spin’ to cannabis, especially if it’s good home grown stuff. It’s pretty common in Australia. Smoking joints is the best way to really taste the weed IMO, I love that shit but it’s really harsh on the lungs and throat for day in day out smoking.
I know some who mix it 50/50, smoke that shit through a bong and it’s so habit forming they constantly smoke ust to get a nicotine fix
I agree smoking joints is the best way for flavor, but really only the first half. The smoke filtering through the herb picks up the flavor. I have a flower-vaping friend who gets mad when I say this (she wants her vape to be the healthiest, tastiest, most efficient, and most potent way to “smoke” weed), haha.
Also- the mix of tobacco and weed in a bong we used to call “Zorbs”, or “Zorbing”- some chucklehead among us came up with that I think asa play on “Absorbing” or some crap.
So a spiff is when you buy a bag of Bugler. Rolled with a pinch of tobacco and the rest weed?

Been there and....How incredible nasty.

Makes you wonder who was the first person to use a roach clip.
Where I'm from that's the only way people smoke here, I try to warn everyone but they always say “Weed alone doesn't burn properly” I'm like what? How is mine and everyone else weed burn just fine but yours have to have a tobacco blend? Its an addiction
Not me. Quit tobacco 20 years ago. Now I don't even smoke paper. Having a high tolerance, I smoke a goodly amount daily and figure, the less contaminants the better. Glassware rules my world and adds no other taste :mrgreen: ..
Bro pipes have a certain taste too I feel like, my hand pipe never tastes good lol. Bongs are find tho
I smoke 95% joints but never do I roll a spliff, I want the pure weed taste. In Germany weed was hard to get but hash was always around and all my German frineds would mix the hash and tobaco, I always caried my own bowl I wanted the hash taste, I was a tobaco smoker in those days but prefered the pure taste of each. When I brought some weed back from A-dam my German freinds wanted me to add tobacco to the joints and there was no way! That taste in the early 80's of northern lights after smoking mexican dirt was amazing, addicting and got me into growing my own.