Does Anyone Still Smoke Spliffs?

The term spliff has different meanings to different people. Here in Jamaica, a spliff is a general term for a rolled smokeable. It can be with or without tobacco. If someone asks you if you have any 'blend' they mean tobacco to be mixed with ganja.

Often you will hear the term 'ital' or ital-spliff, the meaning of which conveys that it is without tobacco. Ital is a term that can mean all-natural and also can mean without salt (when the subject matter is about cooking).

In general terms, I find that Europeans and English people intend for the word spliff to mean a cone-shaped rolled smokeable, usually with tobacco mixed with cannabis. Hash-spliff denotes tobacco and hashish.

Finally, here in JM, 'spliff' can also mean a small amount of weed to roll a spliff. Often, one may ask his friend if he 'have any spliff.' This just means: can you break off a piece and share me a small amount of weed.

And the answer is yes: still many people rolling spliffs out here. Although good ganja is a bit scarce right now, and I do not see as many 'fat spliffs' or 'Bob Marley' spliffs of the large cone shaped variety.
I've always assumed a spliff was a coned shaped joint without tobacco because Marley was the first to talk about them in popular culture and he was always smoking cones. I've been more annoyed by people calling the tobacco laced cones a "spliff" than the actual act of adding the tobacco to their cones. Now I'm a little less annoyed. Thanks for sorting it out for us non Jamaicans.
Cannabis flowers got me off tobacco and mixing with it back in the day. Like other mentioned, back in the day there's was only hash available in Europe. We started to see hybrids and properly grown flowers appear in the early to mid 90's.

90's was a great time for the Dutch Cannabis cultivation and development. I remember when NL5, AK47, Super Skunk and White Widow was all the craze. Still some of my most dearest strains, real NL5 is solid medicine. Hard to come by nowadays.
I've always assumed a spliff was a coned shaped joint without tobacco because Marley was the first to talk about them in popular culture and he was always smoking cones. I've been more annoyed by people calling the tobacco laced cones a "spliff" than the actual act of adding the tobacco to their cones. Now I'm a little less annoyed. Thanks for sorting it out for us non Jamaicans.

People from Europe and Canada ruined the meaning of spliff. It just meant weed cone back in the day as you properly thought.