Does anyone use antidepressants and continue to smoke marijuana? Panic attack

You can tell if I miss a dose, my wife reminds me quickly as I tend to go off the rocker on small things.. you leave a dish on my counter and your ass is grounded, but leave that same dish on my counter when I've not had my meds and I'm kicking you out of my house.
Ssris will not fix your problems ill say that. No drugs will ever do that when it comes to mental issues its just a fix for a short term amount of time which IMO causes more problems than they fix in the long term for some people its what they need so there is that. whenever i get panic attacks from weed or the shakes i know i smoked too much or the stuff was too strong.
I think the older I'm getting it's starting to trigger other problems, I'm becoming a germaphobe on top of my ocd, this shit just started with covid a couple years ago, I feel like soon I'm going to be like Howard Huges locking myself in a room with jars and lids.
Did those drugs interact with the herb?
What would you advise me mate? my doctor will prescribe ssri antideprasan, probably a low dose, between 10 / 15 mg. Do you think it would be a problem for me to smoke weed after about 15 days after my body got used to these drugs? at least 1 joint in the evening

its not easy to answer, I think everyone is different. my reaction could have been the complete opposite for different reasons. I think if it feels ok you should do it but be cautious.
@99forever About the serotonin syndrome it most likely wont it takes multiple medicines that increase your serotonin in your brain and your going to be taking it for a few months before it gets to that point. If your taking stuff that messes with dopamine its going to be bad also, I started showing signs SS before my stroke/seizure which was probably a good idea to stop taking the pills then and there. It took a year to get to that point for me atleast because of the dose i was taking that would stay and build up in my body.
Daily toker for 11 years. Dealt with some pretty rough loss in formative/early adult years and have spent a lot of time alone. Never sought treatment or counseling, just lived with it. I’ve had severe social anxiety and ptsd, and prefer being alone, otherwise healthy and great life and pretty positive outlook overall.
The herb definitely relieves pain, but can cause or exacerbate the heart palpitations and anxiety.
Consider some 1:1 or higher CBD strains. My CBD Warlock from Serious Seeds is absolute medicine, can’t say enough good things. Also very important to get or grow organic clean herb. I swear all the heart palpitations, anxiety, and negative effects I used to experience stopped when I grew my own. Hasn’t been a problem since, but there may be other factors at play too.

I’ve found mushrooms very helpful with my outlook and dealing with “life”. Just a few good sessions a year seems to help, maybe some microdosing here and there.
Maybe listen to some Jordan Peterson, Tony Robbins, and Jocko Willink. Face the demons, take ownership of your circumstances, and take massive action to better yourself.

Nutrition is paramount; prioritize and fix that, and literally everything in life will improve. Do some stretching, go for a walk. Do something nice for someone. Think of things you’re grateful for. Do something creative (art, music). Do some breathing exercises. Being well doesn’t need to be weird, unless you want to get weird with it, that’s fine too. Just don’t expect someone to miraculously show up and help you with your problems: no one is coming to save you.

Best of luck. Crippling depression sucks. But like all things in life, good or bad, it too shall pass. But you can’t just wait around forever, you’ve gotta take some initiative somewhere.
Daily toker for 11 years. Dealt with some pretty rough loss in formative/early adult years and have spent a lot of time alone. Never sought treatment or counseling, just lived with it. I’ve had severe social anxiety and ptsd, and prefer being alone, otherwise healthy and great life and pretty positive outlook overall.
The herb definitely relieves pain, but can cause or exacerbate the heart palpitations and anxiety.
Consider some 1:1 or higher CBD strains. My CBD Warlock from Serious Seeds is absolute medicine, can’t say enough good things. Also very important to get or grow organic clean herb. I swear all the heart palpitations, anxiety, and negative effects I used to experience stopped when I grew my own. Hasn’t been a problem since, but there may be other factors at play too.

I’ve found mushrooms very helpful with my outlook and dealing with “life”. Just a few good sessions a year seems to help, maybe some microdosing here and there.
Maybe listen to some Jordan Peterson, Tony Robbins, and Jocko Willink. Face the demons, take ownership of your circumstances, and take massive action to better yourself.

Nutrition is paramount; prioritize and fix that, and literally everything in life will improve. Do some stretching, go for a walk. Do something nice for someone. Think of things you’re grateful for. Do something creative (art, music). Do some breathing exercises. Being well doesn’t need to be weird, unless you want to get weird with it, that’s fine too. Just don’t expect someone to miraculously show up and help you with your problems: no one is coming to save you.

Best of luck. Crippling depression sucks. But like all things in life, good or bad, it too shall pass. But you can’t just wait around forever, you’ve gotta take some initiative somewhere.

I've been dealing with PTSD/depression since a near fatal hammer attack in my early 20s. Decades of always having that dark cloud hovering until it broke in storms. Was prescribed probably every anti-depressant in the books until about 15 years ago when I quit them altogether and just used pot for it. Just little hits of a strong sativa like Kali Mist worked fine but of course needed another hit ever 2 - 4 hours to keep the mood more positive. I did get an anxiety if I hit a little to much but crossed the Kali with NL#5 and that worked just as well and never got anxiety from it after that. Never had anxiety as part of my symptoms either.

Almost 2 years ago I decided to give 'shrooms a try and after micro-dosing on and off for a few months realized I wasn't depressed any more. Then I went to town to do my usual Friday shop planning to get some booze too and didn't. Haven't had a drink since the end of May last year and I think my brain is doing a lot of healing after 50+ years of excess drink that got way worse after the attack.

Black Friday sales on 'shrooms coming up at all sorts of places and can usually get an oz of something good like Penis Envy for $99Can. That's what I paid for mine. Saw an ad for 'shrooms on FB Marketplace yesterday and checked it out. $329 for an oz FFS. Too damn much.

I'm glad both the depression and boozing are gone. With the health issues I'm dealing with I'd either drink myself to death or end up eating my shotgun.

I haven't done any 'shrooms for about 6 months but feeling like another short run is in order. Want to see if I can pick up some Lion's Mane to take with the 'shrooms as that's supposed to make them work even better. The small doses I take, 50mg, don't even get me high. Bit of what feels like a caffeine buzz is all.

Worked for me and worth a try for persistent, incurable seeming depression. Got most of my sources and info over at Reddit at r/microdosing.

That’s great to hear! Yeah I’ve been putting lions mane and a mixture of like 6 others in my coffee on and off for awhile and in my experience, they definitely seem to do “something”. Just feel a bit sharper and better. Mushrooms of all kinds are powerful, and the cubes are the absolute truth and love. They’re here for a reason; Idk why, but what a peculiar and important phenomenon. It’s unfortunate so many people go to the grave with mycophobia, having not experienced something so fascinating and healing.

I've been dealing with PTSD/depression since a near fatal hammer attack in my early 20s. Decades of always having that dark cloud hovering until it broke in storms. Was prescribed probably every anti-depressant in the books until about 15 years ago when I quit them altogether and just used pot for it. Just little hits of a strong sativa like Kali Mist worked fine but of course needed another hit ever 2 - 4 hours to keep the mood more positive. I did get an anxiety if I hit a little to much but crossed the Kali with NL#5 and that worked just as well and never got anxiety from it after that. Never had anxiety as part of my symptoms either.

Almost 2 years ago I decided to give 'shrooms a try and after micro-dosing on and off for a few months realized I wasn't depressed any more. Then I went to town to do my usual Friday shop planning to get some booze too and didn't. Haven't had a drink since the end of May last year and I think my brain is doing a lot of healing after 50+ years of excess drink that got way worse after the attack.

Black Friday sales on 'shrooms coming up at all sorts of places and can usually get an oz of something good like Penis Envy for $99Can. That's what I paid for mine. Saw an ad for 'shrooms on FB Marketplace yesterday and checked it out. $329 for an oz FFS. Too damn much.

I'm glad both the depression and boozing are gone. With the health issues I'm dealing with I'd either drink myself to death or end up eating my shotgun.

I haven't done any 'shrooms for about 6 months but feeling like another short run is in order. Want to see if I can pick up some Lion's Mane to take with the 'shrooms as that's supposed to make them work even better. The small doses I take, 50mg, don't even get me high. Bit of what feels like a caffeine buzz is all.

Worked for me and worth a try for persistent, incurable seeming depression. Got most of my sources and info over at Reddit at r/microdosing.

That’s great to hear! Yeah I’ve been putting lions mane and a mixture of like 6 others in my coffee on and off for awhile and in my experience, they definitely seem to do “something”. Just feel a bit sharper and better. Mushrooms of all kinds are powerful, and the cubes are the absolute truth and love. They’re here for a reason; Idk why, but what a peculiar and important phenomenon. It’s unfortunate so many people go to the grave with mycophobia, having not experienced something so fascinating and healing.
Lions Mane is great for your cognitive abilities! I am interested in trying Ketamine treatments, ive heard good things about both that and shrooms
Millions of people smoke weed & drink on SSRI/SNRI medications I think you'll be okay.. Of course any medical professional will say if your on a psych drug don't take psychoactive drugs.

Yeah, was going to say that. It would be pretty rare for a medical professional to tell you to smoke weed with mental health issues/treatments. That said, it's pretty common to do so. Personally I would be looking at something to treat the anxiety and just go about my stuff as normal.
I hope smoking weed while taking antidepressants doesn't cause a serotonin storm, you know that serotonin syndrome can be dangerous and deadly.
No with weed i think you be fine i only mention the interaction with mdma as i find few are aware of it u would think docs do there jobs giving this shit to folks but nah and idk anyone who had a bad reaction to cannabis cos of ssris that didnt already have sensitivity to thc if u fine before ssris with weed u be fine proly
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If you want to chat with me on Discord, this is my address: 99forever#2356
Don't know much about discord. The struggle is real. Just lost my wife last month unexpectedly. Just when you think it can't get any worse reality has a way of smacking us around. Myself I was born with anxiety issues and I'm 53 so I've learned to cope I guess because I'm still here. My experience psychotropic drug's and weed don't mix well and may cause a break even. I feel the weed helps me better than a prescription drug.