Does bloom nutrients cause your ph to go up or down


New Member
Ive search the internet and cant seem to find my answer. Im going to use Hydroponics NOVA Bloom come this year for harvet. Now I dont have a Digital PH Meter just yet..I only have the basic ph up/down tester kit. MY QUESTION is will the NOVA Bloom lower or higher my water ph when I mix it with water for feeding?? If possible what should my water PH be at (5.0-8.0) before I add my Bloom Nutes to the Gallon of water... thx


New Member
Yes it will and you should always ph after adding nutes to the agua.
but i dont have a digital meter to check my ph after i add the bloom nutes. so in my case where my water without anything added the ph is 8.0,, should i leave it because the bloom will bring it down automatically for me..or should i ph my water to 7.0 and then add the nutes???


Well-Known Member
Well it is easier with a dig meter. Or use clear nutes. No matter how you look at it, you want what the plant drinks to be around 6.5. No one can tell what PH water will end up at right ph with nutes added because it really depends on your water.

I think the strips may work if nutes turn ur water dark. But a PH pen is a worthy investment!


New Member
Well it is easier with a dig meter. Or use clear nutes. No matter how you look at it, you want what the plant drinks to be around 6.5. No one can tell what PH water will end up at right ph with nutes added because it really depends on your water.

I think the strips may work if nutes turn ur water dark. But a PH pen is a worthy investment!
from your experience, and since my nutes turn my water dark after mixing, would you suggest that i leave my water at 8.0, because the bloom nutes will bring it down to 6.5 - 7.0 ???


Well-Known Member
when you say nova bloom do you mean floranova? if so I ran it for a while my tap ph comes out a 7.2 only dropped it to 6.8-6.9


Well-Known Member
Rebound makes your ph climb, your hydro nutrients are buffered to keep you at the right ph.
The more crap (PPM) you have in your water before you make your nutrient solution the quicker your PH will rebound.
Yes all nutrients will make you rebound in hydro, it's just a matter of time.

You don't have to run at 5.8 all the time. I run drain to waste ever 7-10 days. I start off at @PH-5.5 and go up to PH-6.5 before I start messing with the nutrient solutions PH. By the time the PH rebounds to that level anyway, and it's time to change the nutrient solution. It's nice if you can get into doing that because you don't have to mess with the PH. The plants get Hardened off to that range of PH every week you do it.


Well-Known Member
Advanced nutrients will really drop the pH. Nutrients almost always take the ph down. My water comes out 7.5-8.0, when I add my nutes it takes them down to like 4 right away.

Mixing nutes the day before and letting them sit for 24 hours can sometimes help buffer it out some (it does with mine).

You don't need a digital pH reader. Get the pH indicator dye; you add a few drops to your water sample and it changes colors based off of the pH. It isn't super accurate (not the best for hydro) but its super cheap and it can at least give you an idea in case its way off. If you are growing in soil add some lime, that helps buffer the nutrients by taking your pH up a little. You don't have to go crazy, just add a teaspoon/tablespoon per gallon


New Member
my water out the tap is about 8.0 , and on the FloraNova Bloom bottle it says it ph balanced, so i guess im going to leave my chlorine free water at 8.0, then when I add the bloom nutes i figure it should drop to 6.0-7.0 "i hope" ..