does cbd oil work for you?

Does CBD Oil work for you

  • yes

    Votes: 20 60.6%
  • no

    Votes: 13 39.4%

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Yes, the buds had a wonderful terpene profile. Perhaps because he let them grow till the end of October. Great meds.
Cannabis is a tough plant. Takes a real beating but recovers with some TLC.
Wow, great comeback on that plant. I though mine was damaged...just a had a couple broken limbs.

I harvested mine the week after Columbus Day...buds looked ready and mold was becoming a risk. But judging by the trichomes they seemed mature.

My first taste of CBD, am dialing in the optimum dose, nice relaxing effects but fully functional.
Eating decarboxylated hemp is pretty cool. 1.5 grams gets me going. I am experimenting with decarboxylation in terms of temperature and time.
The high temperature i have used is 250F for 30 mins. Next, im going to try 280F for 60 mins.

Anyone offer input, please do
Some of the beneficial elements of cannabis are destroyed at 246F. So it's important to keep temperatures below that during decarboxylation.
Depending on the CBD content of your buds, eating 1.5 grams can be a lot. My Dinamed CBD plus had 13.7% CBD - which is 137mg per gram. Many people mistakenly take CBD like they would a Tylenol, as needed, hoping for relief, yet that's not how CBD works. One needs to consume it daily for it to function. Every person's dose is different. Here is a dosing chart for a guideline.
CBD does absolutely nothing for me I've ingested and Vaped grams of broad-spectrum in full spectrum distillate as well as isolate it never felt anything. When i8 a couple grams of CBD isolate it upset my stomach and I felt a little nauseous other than that nothing
Wow, that's a lot of CBD! 2 grams of isolate is 2000mg - about 100 times more than I consume daily. Your liver must've been working overtime to metabolize that much CBD - comparable to drinking a couple kegs when a six pack would suffice. I wouldn't recommend taking more than 250mg of CBD daily because of how it taxes the liver.
Ive never used it at a dose that I would know. I feel like CBD oil is something i would need to eat grams of or use grams of as a topical to know if it has any affect. The whole dosing it out in milligrams like its a drug is what makes it snake oil.
I respectfully disagree. My Guinness has 4.2% ABV and my whisky is 40% ABV. Tylenol, vitamins and all medications are produced with a specific scientific unit of measure to establish consistency.

I do agree that there are many products on the market that are completely worthless. Whole plant matter extracts are the only way to go imo, as single cannabinoid extracts (isolate) do very little for some people. Grow your own, get it tested and formulate extraction accordingly.
I respectfully disagree. My Guinness has 4.2% ABV and my whisky is 40% ABV. Tylenol, vitamins and all medications are produced with a specific scientific unit of measure to establish consistency.

I do agree that there are many products on the market that are completely worthless. Whole plant matter extracts are the only way to go imo, as single cannabinoid extracts (isolate) do very little for some people. Grow your own, get it tested and formulate extraction accordingly.

On that note:

Is there such a thing as CBD Hash?

re: My favorite pain killer med is full melt hash - the best has a definite narcotic effect that rivals a low dose of an opiate - half a vicodin 5 if you will.
I'm wondering if there is a similar full-plant concentrate for the CBD / Low THC* market?
*I feel a little THC enhances CBD greatly.
On that note:

Is there such a thing as CBD Hash?

re: My favorite pain killer med is full melt hash - the best has a definite narcotic effect that rivals a low dose of an opiate - half a vicodin 5 if you will.
I'm wondering if there is a similar full-plant concentrate for the CBD / Low THC* market?
*I feel a little THC enhances CBD greatly.
Yes, absolutely. Hash can be made with any CBD/THC strain. Dry sift is a great way to get the goodness from the plant. I enjoy kief (or hash) in a bong with a screen - very simple, effective, tasty and immediate. Dry sift (kief) has a longer shelf life than hash as one is not popping the trichomes. Agreed, that some THC enhances the beneficial attributes of CBD. Sort of like a smile to go with the relief of what ails one.
I made a dry sift tumbler long ago with a 100 micron stainless steel mesh and powered it with a rotisserie motor - slow tumble to keep from smashing too much plant matter. Capturing and separating the first half hours worth of kief is where the full melt goodness comes from. The remaining 4 hours of tumbling still yields some fantastic kief. I've decarbed kief and packed 00 capsules for a powerful pain reliever that last quite a while. Combustion is quicker though.
It definitely works. The main difference with traditional marijuana smoking is that it is healthier, and the effect longs shorter. It all depends on the quantity of liquid you smoke, but it is not longer than thirty minutes in the majority of cases. But if you are a non-smoking person, a good alternative for you can become marijuana capsules. It gives you the same sensation, that depends from one to four hours. It all depends on your body and how you feel when you swallow the capsule. The main advantage is that capsules are healthier.
The whole dosing it out in milligrams like its a drug is what makes it snake oil.

I agree that based on the current cost per mg is what makes it not work for me. I have no issues with buying CBD isolate or full spectrum CBD distillate and then making my own tinctures because it makes things exponentially more affordable. I generally also prefer my CBD with THC for an entourage effect. Making my own tinctures with CBD allows me to choose the strain the THC comes from as well as choose my own CBD to THC ratios.

When I use CBD personally I try for a single dose around 75mg - 150mg of CBD. So for example CBDistillery full spectrum CBD Oil Tincture = 30ml / 500mg CBD @ $45. Translates to $.09 per mg CBD. 75mg dose costs $6.75 or 150mg dose costs $13.50.

I can get full spectrum CBD distillate for as low as $1.50 a gram if you buy more than 500g at a time. More realistically from $3.5 to $5 a gram if I buy 10 to 20 grams at a time.
I agree that based on the current cost per mg is what makes it not work for me. I have no issues with buying CBD isolate or full spectrum CBD distillate and then making my own tinctures because it makes things exponentially more affordable. I generally also prefer my CBD with THC for an entourage effect. Making my own tinctures with CBD allows me to choose the strain the THC comes from as well as choose my own CBD to THC ratios.

When I use CBD personally I try for a single dose around 75mg - 150mg of CBD. So for example CBDistillery full spectrum CBD Oil Tincture = 30ml / 500mg CBD @ $45. Translates to $.09 per mg CBD. 75mg dose costs $6.75 or 150mg dose costs $13.50.

I can get full spectrum CBD distillate for as low as $1.50 a gram if you buy more than 500g at a time. More realistically from $3.5 to $5 a gram if I buy 10 to 20 grams at a time.

Interesting, I've never seen the cost broken down like that, important perspective. I've never bought any myself, just toying around with what I grew.

Also interesting that your dose is that high--I was more in the 40-50mg range. I'll have to experiment more. Based on my research so far, everyone responds differently and there's kind of "sweet spot" in terms of dose. Taking more doesn't always translate into bigger effect--sometimes you can overshoot and feel nothing. The whole endocannabanoid system is very mysterious!
I tried the hemp bombs a few times. Shit fucks me up. Like a took a damn flexerall. Too relaxed. Too tired. Can’t function. Mind is working fine no “high” just pissed that I can’t stop ducking yawning.
Interesting, I've never seen the cost broken down like that, important perspective. I've never bought any myself, just toying around with what I grew.

Also interesting that your dose is that high--I was more in the 40-50mg range. I'll have to experiment more. Based on my research so far, everyone responds differently and there's kind of "sweet spot" in terms of dose. Taking more doesn't always translate into bigger effect--sometimes you can overshoot and feel nothing. The whole endocannabanoid system is very mysterious!

Very true. There is no exact singular answer for every situation and it's important to keep that in mind.

Just because you have one gram of full spectrum CBD distillate does not mean it tests the same as my one gram of full spectrum CBD distillate. Same company different batch even. Maybe yours tests at 80% CBD by weight and mine test 72% by weight ( just random numbers ).

There are also different bioavailability ranges depending on consumption method. I've seen different studies use different ranges so don't crucify me if you search and come up with a different range. I'm just bringing it up incase you haven't considered it before.

Just going off of a quick search Oral consumption via capsule or other edible = 6-15% for CBD. Sublingual via lozenge or hard candy dissolved under the tongue = 20-35% for CBD. Suppository = 40-70% for CBD. So below would be my 75mg dose given the high and low ranges of the different consumption methods...

75mg at 6% = 4.5mg.
75mg at 15% = 11.25mg.

75mg at 20% = 15mg.
75mg at 35% = 26.25mg.

75mg at 40% = 30mg.
75mg at 70% = 52.5mg.

The type of carrier oil used in a tincture can probably have a large affect as well. There is some small clinical trials done on nanoemulsified CBD increasing bioavailability so certain products probably use that as a selling point.
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happened to me when i was taking 3000mg daily of rso made with this crystal strain that supposedly had high cbd.
thc kills cancer, so i don't care about cbd, other than the trace amounts for the entourage effect, whatever.
i was experimenting trying to develop an extract that wasn't so terrifying to humans.

but logically this is what i think, if crystal is 75% thc and 25% cbd, if i put that in a capsule, that means it's only 75% thc. to figure out if cbd tames thc, u would have to take more crystal extract to get up to my normal pills of 95% thc or whatever my high thc strains are.

but yeah, after a couple of months of banging one gram capsules of this crystal strain rso three times a day, i started feeling pain in my liver region, and a lab later revealed my ast and alt in the 80's for the first time.

most these cbd bottles i see being sold, actually have very little cbd.
chances are, no human would ever take 3 grams of crystal strain or a high cbd strain, but i'd refer to epidiolex's info if ur doing isolates.
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Based on my experience, I would say that the CBD oil that I bought from this site has been effective in providing pain relief to my lower back pain and headache whenever I get one. It's pretty effective in providing the medicinal and therapeutic benefits of CBD as it not only provided pain relief but it helped me get better sleep as well whenever I took a dose before bedtime. I suggest you try increasing the dosage that you're taking and see if it would be more effective that way. You could also try other CBD oils or other CBD products like edibles from a different brand and see if that works better for you.
Make my own CBG Hemp double infused tincture .Works for me as I have acute arthritis throughout my body with a lot of swelling .I put a drop or 2 when I make my morning coffee .
I have pinched nerves in both L4 and L5 on the rightside. The doc said it came from 30 years of sitting behind a desk on a fat wallet. The pain isnt just limited to my back but runs down my buttocks, back of my thigh thigh and behind the calf (the calf often is the worst) on the right side. Ive had the corticosteroids injections that only l;ast 2-3 days and now Im on opioids just so I can function and try to stay active as a cardiac patient. Must stay active! Unfortunately, my experience with CBD oil as a standalone pain reliever before being prescribed opioids failed completely. I tried high dollar types, and slightly less priced brands and not just a few, probably a dozen different brands and strengths. It just didnt work for me. But that was two years ago. I thinking about trying it again as the opioids only offer small windows of relief. And maybe "together" the CBD may work better. As the Opioids work better with OTC Ibuprofen is taken with it. Also Ive been thinking of getting a good CBD strain and making my own if I can do without expensive equipment. The best relief I get is doing my cardiac exercises in the pool. The weightlessness works better than anything.
I have pinched nerves in both L4 and L5 on the rightside. The doc said it came from 30 years of sitting behind a desk on a fat wallet. The pain isnt just limited to my back but runs down my buttocks, back of my thigh thigh and behind the calf (the calf often is the worst) on the right side. Ive had the corticosteroids injections that only l;ast 2-3 days and now Im on opioids just so I can function and try to stay active as a cardiac patient. Must stay active! Unfortunately, my experience with CBD oil as a standalone pain reliever before being prescribed opioids failed completely. I tried high dollar types, and slightly less priced brands and not just a few, probably a dozen different brands and strengths. It just didnt work for me. But that was two years ago. I thinking about trying it again as the opioids only offer small windows of relief. And maybe "together" the CBD may work better. As the Opioids work better with OTC Ibuprofen is taken with it. Also Ive been thinking of getting a good CBD strain and making my own if I can do without expensive equipment. The best relief I get is doing my cardiac exercises in the pool. The weightlessness works better than anything.
A friend of mine didn't get any relief from his carpal tunnel by consuming CBD orally. So he tried vaping buds which too provided little relief. When high CBD bud was combusted, he received the most relief. Sound weird, but that's his experience.

A CBD topical ointment may work as well. Decarbed buds in apricot kernel oil provides a less greasy ointment than coconut oil.
Yes, CBD oils work for me. It relieves my anxiety and helps me overcome my insomnia, but I make sure to take enough dosage to avoid overdosing myself.