Does Dirt Get Old?


If a store over stocks on dirt or say one brand doesn't sell and sits there. Does it get old, does it lower the ph making it more acidity? Given us the grower low ph issues? I've had problems and read a lot more on here. But some other grower say its not the dirt its the grower.

First Post! Been a long time reader!Loki.jpg


Well-Known Member
I am not 100%, but certain elements have "half life'", i.e the time it takes for the element to degrade (the isotope). However some elements don't degrade as much (lead for example - but you don't want lead in your soil). I guess you would need to look at all the elements present, work out if they are elements that degrade, then establish the % in the soil of those elements,....aaah this is all getting to confusing for me. Just ph the soil if you think it's old, lol. But yeh, I woudl imagine PH will change over time to some degree.


Thank You! Super Stoner:clap:

Cause you see some growers with ffof, Roots Organic, Sunshine Mixes or any other over priced dirt have troubles then you have the life long grower with ffof telling the guy with troubles he just don't know what he's doing. I had troubles with one of them! If I read the code right it was make a year and half ago? Is this acceptable? I don't think so!


Well-Known Member
if u want to know what is in your used soil send a sample to a lab and have it analyzed. they wont know what you're growing. and you'll have a print out of the amount of elements in the sample. most places have agricultural extension services. they'll tell you what you need to do to test your soil.