The very short answer is YES. It does affect potency in a very positive manner. Drying and curing cannabis after harvesting for few days to several months will improve the potency, as well as the taste and texture of the buds.
Drying bud converts crude acidic THC from its nonactive form (CBG) into a neutral pH psychoactive substance (THC). Each THC molecule has to lose it's moisture content in order to become fully psychoactive. This is because cannabergerol (CBG) is the non-psychoactive precursor for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
When the water exits the bud, the THC becomes slightly different in molecular structure.
Heating can make THC readily active by immedietly vaporizing the bud's moisture content away. However, as Fatima also mentioned, aging is important too.
First the bud is "dried", but can still contain some moisture within. By using the "cure", the THC slowly becomes psychoactive. Curing builds a more uniformily dried bud with a better burn and taste.