Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

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Pretending that a MMR vaccine that helps that child to not get and spread a highly contagious and very dangerous disease is in any way shape or form the same as injecting someone with syphilis unknowingly lying about it and then not treating it for years as those people suffer is just a bullshit stance.

Oh dear. Your post hasn't aged well.

I'm so glad, you, being a reasonable person, you'll surely recant the theme of your post.
Oh dear. Your post hasn't aged well.

I'm so glad, you, being a reasonable person, you'll surely recant the theme of your post.
Holy shit, you had to go back to April 2020? How many variants of this virus ago was that?

lmao anyways why is that 'aging bad' because some troll pretends like it is? What is the hospitalization rate of kids with the vaccine?

Also still true to this day no matter how much the vaccine trolls pretend otherwise with their stupid as shit drawing of some bullshit line and pretending like it is true so that they can separate people into 'sides' of a issue. There is nobody is getting 'forced' to get this vaccine.

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So anyways nice try with your 'gotcha' troll, better luck next time.
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