Does green light disrupt flowering?

i've heard that a green light bulb will not disturb the photoperiod of flowering plants when they are in darkness, does anyone have any EXPERIENCE in this matter? i picked up one of the energy-saving screw-in coiled-fluorescent ones, and i have doubts that the plants will not "see" the light it produces... would hate keep veggin or bust hermies cuz i love to sit with my plants!
please let me know if you have used THIS type of bulb with no harm done


Well-Known Member
no it wont! I use that same bulb in my room and got a green led headlight from my hydro store! even forgot the light on for 6hours before!


Well-Known Member

Green light will not harm/interfere with you plants cycles :) see pic above... (Sorry for the blur - V. high + shaky hands = crap pic quality) lol, I left it on all night once and not one defect arose :) - STELTHY :leaf:
nice, that's exactly what i wanted to hear NGG!
Stelthy, that's a bad-a$$ lookin space you got there. this is my first grow, but i see your style man, kind of the opposite of what i have going. if you can believe it i had one more row in front before i realized i was overcrowding. these 9 are in 3g growbags, the space is about 3 x 3.5', topped once and almost 12". just flipped... think i'll have trouble? the clones were Grandaddy Purple (a pure indica), 600w hps, RootsOrganics soil & nutes


Well-Known Member
everything looks good! except I cant see anything for air flow! you need something to move the air around the room! with how tight they are you will prob want to trim some leaves out sooner or later so they dont get to cramed! That about all i can see!
tight! they're cozy to say the least, but i can envision them successfully tripling up! i've got a big inline running thru that light and an oscillator in front.
i've been wondering about trimming. i know pruning is generally avoided during flower, so whats your technique for trimming, fan leaves off the bottom? leave fan leaves and growing tips and take off all the little stuff? i know the light will only penetrate the top half or so of a two foot bush if i just let em go, but i'm reluctant to prune off lower branches. should i do that early on? only been on 12/12 three days...