Does growth slow after you transplant?


Well-Known Member
I just transplanted from 16 oz party cups to 2 5 gallon trash cans. They have a hole in the side about 2" up hempy style & tomorrow will be the 4th day since transplant & i've noticed the buckets are really holding onto the moisture....there is a lot of moisture loss on the top 4" of the perlite/vermiculite but down deeper it's still pretty moist. Did the transplant shock the plant? I'm assuming it's just taking some time to adjust to their new homes so i'm just hoping i'm right and in a few days they'll take off? Leaves & everything still look healthy, getting new growth etc...just not as fast as before transplant. I spose i could be overworrying...btw, i haven't watered since the transplant. waiting for 'em to dry out a bit & hoping the roots will spread in search of water.


Active Member
From my experience and only mine i'm the trial and error kind for me it depends how much of the root was exposed to the light?


Well-Known Member
for me, they only got bigger and better....more room to expand their roots. soil is always a good thing to have....shouldn't keep your old soil the whole plants life...i start off in a small plastic throw away solo cup....let it grow for a when i transplant it into something bigger...all i have to do is roll my hand around the cup and push inside(towards the opposite hand) so it comes out of the cup real easy and in a nice solid clump....and throw that into where everelse it's going...i do the same for the rest of the plants life.