Yeah, it's sickening. I had to watch the CPAC speech just now, because I have to watch the trainwreck. I don't want to post it but I can't look away personally. I need to know what the enemy in chief and his cohorts and supporters are saying. I want to be aware of everything they are up to. There were no surprises of course. He has no range or vocabulary. It's all dumbed down rhetoric. Still bringing up Hillary as the crowd goes into the 'lock her up' chant. Saying the Democrats want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment - total fallacy. Saying they want to take away the big beautiful tax cuts for Americans - what a sham - tax cuts for the rich. Unbelievable. It's such a surreal circus with this orange clown running the show.
There are glimmers of hope. The latest being the Democrat winning in the KY special election. Seeing these deep red states voting Democrat is encouraging.