Does it look done or near-done?


Active Member
Very creative!
IDK if you were aware, or thought of it, but you can also take out the lense on the reader if you have a broken DVD player
Here's a couple links to order a glass if you're interested, but it sounds like you got it covered :)
I forgot last Monday (when I usually take pics), but I'll remember tomorrow, and put up a couple of my Sativa from bagseed outside.
It looks like another month to go, even though she started flowering July 27.
You'll see how they start to puff up, then fill in.
My cola has really gotten poofy, but it's starting to gain weight now, along with the other small buds.
The DVD setup might get too complex compared to the webcam method :D
The links you've given doesn't ship worldwide, but thank you :)

You haven't posted those sativa pics. Could you please do that so that I can compare the development and assess how ahead or how delayed my bud development progress is :D


Active Member
Naw, most everything I've seen mention the subject says no, the rain won't hurt, but be real careful for mold and bud rot.
If you get a break between storms, go out and shake off the excess moisture.
As the rains are only towards noon, through night, followed by heavy sunlight the next morning till noon, the moisture isn't getting stuck to the buds. They dry up.
But, I do have a budworm attack once in a while. I just cut those buds off and thats what are taken as specimens to check trichomes :P So, budworm removed, as well as trichome check is possible with the single bud chop-off.


Well-Known Member
The DVD setup might get too complex compared to the webcam method :D
The links you've given doesn't ship worldwide, but thank you :)

You haven't posted those sativa pics. Could you please do that so that I can compare the development and assess how ahead or how delayed my bud development progress is :D
Sorry, I hadn't subbed the thread, and completely forgot.
My fault.
Here ya go, dates on pics are correct, except the title that says oct 5, I put that in wrong. It is Nov 5.
Flowers showed on July 27, outdoors, had 13-14 hrs light until around start of Sept, and it has been getting shorter since.Sativa10oct5_zpsf0f55f2f.jpgSativa3oct5_zpsd6400cf5.jpgPicture033.jpgSativa2oct5_zps68a965fc.jpgSativa4oct5_zpsecfdf9e8.jpg


Active Member
Thank you for the photos :)

The third photo you posted looks almost like my landrace. But yours is a commercial strain that has a name though you got it as a bagseed, right? I can't say they are identical, as each of the finger(is it called finger?) of the leaves are longer in my case.
The branching style is almost same. :D

The other purple-ish plant you have doesn't have most of those fresh looking leaves you must have had a few weeks back. Thats how my flowering plant looks like. I was thinking the plant is going to die ;)
Usually people on this forum advice not to pluck those fan leaves and make the plant naked. In my case, I did not pluck them. The plant just keeps on losing them after they go yellow.
The bud would still grow when the plant is naked like that? Those reduced-finger-number leaves that grow inside the bud cluster area are all present in my case. You too have them.
How long have you decided to leave this particular plant?
My concern about 'when to chop?' started as a result of this leaf loss, and my concern that the plant looks like a plant with branches that has got just a lot of buds, without much leaves!

Your buds are at least 4-5 times bigger and tighter than mine though ;)


Well-Known Member
She has had a rough life, and now, with the cold and short days, I'm trying to finish her in the closet I started to set up to veg over the winter, but I was planning on just vegging 2 plants, so I really don't have room to finish the one in pics, and the bottom half of my Indica (No pics shown).
I am getting fed up with the Sativa, but am trying to be patient and at the moment plan to still leave her another month or so.
I normally just let the leaves fall off, as your plant will let them drop when she can no longer use them.
My other plant pretty much stopped for a couple weeks early (month and half) after showing flower, when I pulled 2 large fan leaves, so I learned my lesson.
The pics are all the same plant, just that the third one is back in August.
The buds weren't purple until I got a partial Phosphorus lockout from the cold.
My Indica sitting right next to this one was hit harder than this, and lost quite a few leaves.


Active Member
omg! If they both were the same plants, then that changed look is how mine changed too!
Just to compare, I had a look at my plants while it was not flowering and how it is now. They look like different plants! :D

My fertilizer might be one reason why the leaves are yellowing too quick. The Nitrogen ratio is too low compared to the Phosphorus and Potassium :| Its 10:15:25 :D

I have never got a purple weed here. So, we won't have those purple looking flowers here as the temps don't go anywhere like it would at your place.
I would've loved to see a plant going purple. though ;)

I too let the leaves fall of naturally. Or at the most, shake the two master stems and the ready-to-drop ones just fall off :D

I am thinking of using a grow-time fertilizer at ratio 25:15:10 just to once to reduce those yellow leaves. Would it be bad as the plant is flowering? You saw the picture earlier.
This step is just because its really sad looking at that plant. It reminds me of those google images that show people pre and post cocaine life :| Lindsay Lohan as an example!
Or those images about marijuana vs chemical-drugs.



Well-Known Member
Sorry, I hadn't subbed the thread, and completely forgot.
My fault.
Here ya go, dates on pics are correct, except the title that says oct 5, I put that in wrong. It is Nov 5.
Flowers showed on July 27, outdoors, had 13-14 hrs light until around start of Sept, and it has been getting shorter since.View attachment 2401837View attachment 2401840View attachment 2401834View attachment 2401835View attachment 2401836
you havent choped yet that thing is pointless to leave up no leaves no growth


Well-Known Member
omg! If they both were the same plants, then that changed look is how mine changed too!
Just to compare, I had a look at my plants while it was not flowering and how it is now. They look like different plants! :D

My fertilizer might be one reason why the leaves are yellowing too quick. The Nitrogen ratio is too low compared to the Phosphorus and Potassium :| Its 10:15:25 :D

I have never got a purple weed here. So, we won't have those purple looking flowers here as the temps don't go anywhere like it would at your place.
I would've loved to see a plant going purple. though ;)

I too let the leaves fall of naturally. Or at the most, shake the two master stems and the ready-to-drop ones just fall off :D

I am thinking of using a grow-time fertilizer at ratio 25:15:10 just to once to reduce those yellow leaves. Would it be bad as the plant is flowering? You saw the picture earlier.
This step is just because its really sad looking at that plant. It reminds me of those google images that show people pre and post cocaine life :| Lindsay Lohan as an example!
Or those images about marijuana vs chemical-drugs.

View attachment 2402025View attachment 2402026
Dam, 5 pages ago, I forgot, but if you're in flower, but if you are, you want to give enough N to get the new growth a nice green, then drop off.
Too much N in flower will slow the growth of buds, sometimes even stop it all together if you give too much.
You want to feel out your plant, and just give her some every once in a while if needed, so she doesn't cannabalize herself too bad.


Well-Known Member
omg! If they both were the same plants, then that changed look is how mine changed too!
Just to compare, I had a look at my plants while it was not flowering and how it is now. They look like different plants! :D

My fertilizer might be one reason why the leaves are yellowing too quick. The Nitrogen ratio is too low compared to the Phosphorus and Potassium :| Its 10:15:25 :D

I have never got a purple weed here. So, we won't have those purple looking flowers here as the temps don't go anywhere like it would at your place.
I would've loved to see a plant going purple. though ;)

I too let the leaves fall of naturally. Or at the most, shake the two master stems and the ready-to-drop ones just fall off :D

I am thinking of using a grow-time fertilizer at ratio 25:15:10 just to once to reduce those yellow leaves. Would it be bad as the plant is flowering? You saw the picture earlier.
This step is just because its really sad looking at that plant. It reminds me of those google images that show people pre and post cocaine life :| Lindsay Lohan as an example!
Or those images about marijuana vs chemical-drugs.

View attachment 2402025View attachment 2402026
Dam, 5 pages ago, I forgot, but if you're in flower, you want to give enough N to get the new growth a nice green, then drop off.
Too much N in flower will slow the growth of buds, sometimes even stop it all together if you give too much.
You want to feel out your plant, and just give her some every once in a while if needed, so she doesn't cannabalize herself too bad.
Never mind, I just went and looked at your new pics with that post, DUH.
Go ahead and give veg nutes until 2, maybe 3 weeks into flower, then drop off to something with just P and K, giving N only when she starts getting the yellowing from N deficiency.


Active Member
Dam, 5 pages ago, I forgot, but if you're in flower, you want to give enough N to get the new growth a nice green, then drop off.
Too much N in flower will slow the growth of buds, sometimes even stop it all together if you give too much.
You want to feel out your plant, and just give her some every once in a while if needed, so she doesn't cannabalize herself too bad.
Never mind, I just went and looked at your new pics with that post, DUH.
Go ahead and give veg nutes until 2, maybe 3 weeks into flower, then drop off to something with just P and K, giving N only when she starts getting the yellowing from N deficiency.
3 weeks into flower? This plant has been into flower for the past 4 months :|
I don't have n, p and k separate. Just two combinations. 25:15:10 and 10:15:25.


Well-Known Member
i would def wait a few weeks. when you think the buds are done wait two weeks. in my experience they always get bigger and worst comes to worst u just get a more stoned high. try using molasses, start small and work your way up to 2 table spoons per gallon. its almost doubled my bud size. i dont know how it works but it does.


Well-Known Member
3 weeks into flower? This plant has been into flower for the past 4 months :|
I don't have n, p and k separate. Just two combinations. 25:15:10 and 10:15:25.
No........... I think you misunderstood me...
You can give N until 2 or 3 weeks after you switch into flower, but after that, you should give very little, or none until she liiks like she really wants N.
If those two, 25-15-10, and 10-15-25 are all you have, I would get something like a 5-10-10, or 0-15-11 is what I have been using, or something with lower N than P and K.
Your second one listed will work in a pinch, but I think that's still a lot of N to use regularly in flowering.


Active Member
i would def wait a few weeks. when you think the buds are done wait two weeks. in my experience they always get bigger and worst comes to worst u just get a more stoned high. try using molasses, start small and work your way up to 2 table spoons per gallon. its almost doubled my bud size. i dont know how it works but it does.
Few weeks. Shall I take it like three more weeks, so that its by the end of november that I could harvest? :|

Well, we don't get molasses as well. But, there is something thats from sugarcane, in fact whole sugarcane, with the molasses and other crystals.
Jaggery -->

Will this work? This can be put on flame for sometime, and would melt eventually, and form a dark brown/black thick viscous liquid.


Active Member
No........... I think you misunderstood me...
You can give N until 2 or 3 weeks after you switch into flower, but after that, you should give very little, or none until she liiks like she really wants N.
If those two, 25-15-10, and 10-15-25 are all you have, I would get something like a 5-10-10, or 0-15-11 is what I have been using, or something with lower N than P and K.
Your second one listed will work in a pinch, but I think that's still a lot of N to use regularly in flowering.
Yes, those two combinations are the only ones I have, but the shop has one more, which is a balanced combination 19:19:19. This is about chemical nutrients.
The organic ones, several items are available in the shop, but in crude form, not bottled Canna brand style. :-S

No way we can get something with '0' in the combination. It will always be a:b:c with all being 1 or greater.

On the picture I posted you can see how fresh and green the plant looked around three months back and how 'reduced' the plant looks in the second photo which was taken two weeks back. Currently it looks evenmore naked :|
I also have a doubt that this loss of leaves are related to accessibility of sunlight, as all the leaves that are yellowed and dying will always be the initial leaves that grew on each branch which gets blocked by the leaves that grew later.
Another point is about the pot being too small and the water I give gets over too fast, or the plant is rootbound. I did this to get the plant grow smaller as I did not want a sativa tree in my home :| The height reduction was a success :D The plant is indeed compact when you think that its a 6-7 months old plant.


Active Member
Thank You :)

Please do post a pic when your sativa looks done. I would like to see how a sativa flower cluster looks like when its done ;)
Once if I get to see it, I might be able to figure it out the next time onwards. Almost all the pictures on the internet that shows this final harvest time look are indica, or hybrids :(

So, I have thought of using N only when it looks even more worse :|


Active Member
Not even a single photo is good. It was so hard to focus with hand when required.
Also, it was after recording the video that I noticed these amber looking trichomes while playing the video.

Could you please verify it once again, though everyone including you had asked me to wait :|

First time grow. So, would be good not to miss and be disappointed :|

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