I was in the same boat as you with my first plant. I just finally decided that once all the calyxes are red and turned into the buds, and the actual buds look like something ive bought before, then id cut. Now, im pretty sure I cut my buds at the perfect time, cus 1 bowl has me fucking blazed. I never really for sure saw amber trichomes, I went by the look of the bud, it looked like some shit ive bought before. also your buds look pretty lanky, your plant is probably more of a sativa dominant strain, meaning you have quite a wait ahead of ya! The most fattening up of buds happens in the last couple weeks, youre probably due to hit that growth spurt pretty soon. One day youre gonna look at your plant and say "yep its time to chop this fucker and testdry some buds!", until then your plant isnt ready to be chopped, so i wouldnt even bother checking trichomes till you think the buds look done but youre not sure if they're completely ripe. sorry if im not making sense im stoned af