Does it look legit? First time grow

This is my wick grow system. Im usig Miracle Gro Organic mixed with Perlite. Light is 225w LED Full Spectrum. One plant in the 3rd week of vegetation right now. Will the wicks i placed work? Its been 6 hours since i installed the wicks. image.jpg Currently on an 18on/6off light timer schedule. Water has sat out for a day before being used. No nutes in resevoir. What are your comments? Let me know. Thanks


Well-Known Member
whats the point of the wicks? just water every 3rd day or when pot is light...much easier than dealing with all that shit.

you want to be carefull watering too much in MG soils as it can release lots of N and burn young plants.

looks small for 3 weeks old., if you dont have a fan on it get one.

my 2¢


Well-Known Member
Short answer no, You can't have a res like that uncovered. As stated above just water when pot feels light.


Well-Known Member
:lol: Thats 3 weeks ?
Yeah I'd ditch the wicks too.
That monster can't be that thirsty...
OK I'm sorry....good luck with your grow fella and have fun with it. Don't over-complicate it !


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that wick system would lead to root rot ( constant feeding ), why bother, just feed every 3 days.
Ok thanks for the advice. It seems the wicks are useless so ill just tend to watering myself as said "every 3rd day or when it feels light".
With that little seedling dont soak the pot. Water when you can stick your finger down the edge of the pot 2-3 inches and it feels dry. Use 1 cup of water for a pot that size. Seedlings dont need much. As it gets a few nodes then think about watering more, but for now just water enough to keep the soil moist then let it dry out.

Overwatering a seedling will set you back weeks of growth, or youll just kill it outright.

Also do what they said get a fan. It will stress the stems and make them grow bigger. Bigger stem=faster growth. Do not underestimate how effective this is. Get a fan.


Well-Known Member
And im sure you can lower that light possibly long as you got a fan..??? not to sure on LED but i hear they are great on heat so the closer the better...get all the lumens possible
And im sure you can lower that light possibly long as you got a fan..??? not to sure on LED but i hear they are great on heat so the closer the better...get all the lumens possible
Yeah I can definatly move it closer the LEDs dont produce heat at all....well not enough to hurt the plant. And i will definatly go install a fan. Will a small 12v computer fan work? Its about 4inx4in but i can use that til i upgrade toa bigger one
With that little seedling dont soak the pot. Water when you can stick your finger down the edge of the pot 2-3 inches and it feels dry. Use 1 cup of water for a pot that size. Seedlings dont need much. As it gets a few nodes then think about watering more, but for now just water enough to keep the soil moist then let it dry out.

Overwatering a seedling will set you back weeks of growth, or youll just kill it outright.

Also do what they said get a fan. It will stress the stems and make them grow bigger. Bigger stem=faster growth. Do not underestimate how effective this is. Get a fan.
Ok will do. Thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
Your 12V 4"x4" whould work fine, I've use it once throughout a whole grow with no problems, now I use 4, 12V ( one square inch fans ) with the same results.