Does it make a difference....


Well-Known Member
is it a bad thing if you smoke joints in your grow room around your plants while they are flowering? if it is how does it affect them


Well-Known Member
its not necessarily a bad thing but its not a good habit to have. plants breath through stomata which are like tiny little mouths on the underside of the leaf. these stomata take the co2 rich air in that the plant turns in into the o2 that we breath. the smoke will stiffle this process


Well-Known Member
the only thing you want your plants breathing is co2
if u want to make a difference, maybe reading a book or working out around your plants will help them ahahah extra co2


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt do it. chemicals from smoke aside; imagine i rolled up your sister and smoked her in your room? would you like it?

just smoke outside