does it promote growth when you cut off some lower branches????????


Well-Known Member
yea, I think it gives the top buds more energy to grow. I am happy when I do it.

grow space

Well-Known Member
i would not do it mann...if u want to do it do it when they are still vegging and the the method is called lollipopping..thats the way if u want to promote top buds growth , but now it is too late and it will stress your plant at such a vital stage..dont do it, let it be, and u will b fine!


yea, I think it gives the top buds more energy to grow. I am happy when I do it.
ah thanks fort so an the bottom ones are just shit bud ne way i have bin doin it for a few weeks to one of my plant but left the other one alone but think it has dun more gud cuttin it :)


Well-Known Member
i would not do it mann...if u want to do it do it when they are still vegging and the the method is called lollipopping..thats the way if u want to promote top buds growth , but now it is too late and it will stress your plant at such a vital stage..dont do it, let it be, and u will b fine!
i agree with grow space... i always remove lower branches i try to time it about 2 weeks before i think they will begin budding outside. this year things are taking a lil longer to bud so i did it kinda early and a lot of lower branches grew back. on the ones that already had bud on them i left em, but the ones that still werent budding i went ahead and removed them again. so i would say leave them alone but be expecting some popcorn nugs to trim (not fun).


Active Member
If you cut branches off it forces more energy to the tops of the plants and allows more ventilation for the bottom areas, but honestly it's a dumb idea. The bottom branches first of all are the largest branches on the entire plant, so cutting them off is just wasting a ton of growth. The top buds will become more developed and probably slightly more potent, but why waste the bottom nugs, even if they are popcorn-ish. Like veggie said you can just make hash with em. If space is an issue, than it would make sense to chop a few of the bottom ones off, but only so the plants aren't crowding each other as much.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Don't feed into the bullshit, Leanne.

MOST on here are simple-minded ppl that WOULD NOT talk slick if the person was standing in front of them !

Bring that shit to the Nickerson Gardens (Watts,L.A.) and you won't make it out..........IF you even make it in !!


You can safely trim lowers until the END of stretch once 12/12 has been set.
I know my 400w is no good beyond 18 inches, so anything below that by the end of week 2 in 12/12, I cut off.


Active Member
But if light doesnt hit them good it will be a long branch and not too productive, energy wasted. Get them early, thats what I do.


If you cut branches off it forces more energy to the tops of the plants and allows more ventilation for the bottom areas, but honestly it's a dumb idea. The bottom branches first of all are the largest branches on the entire plant, so cutting them off is just wasting a ton of growth. The top buds will become more developed and probably slightly more potent, but why waste the bottom nugs, even if they are popcorn-ish. Like veggie said you can just make hash with em. If space is an issue, than it would make sense to chop a few of the bottom ones off, but only so the plants aren't crowding each other as much.
yeah i spose thanks finaly a bit ov sence :) i think i like the sound of the top ones bein more developed an more potent


Well-Known Member
I'm going to catch flak, and I really don't care, but pruning is acceptable in the plant world. It is done for a number of reasons. I can't wait for someone to tell me this works on all plants BUT marijuana, LOL...

Anyways, pruning of suckers, diseased or weak areas, lower branches is ideal to promote vigourous new growth at the top of the plant. Pruning can also be used to shape a plant and as many know, it can be used to increase the number of colas through a pruning method known as topping or fimming. It also improves circulation around plants and helps prevent mold and mildew in cramped grow spaces.

You are going to read a lot of advice on here that blasts anyone who would dare cut off a fan leaf or prune their plants. I say ignore them and do what you think is right for your plants. I would not recommend pruning during flowering, as the shock caused may delay harvest up to a month. The only exception is to remove near dead material (yellow). Experiment and learn. Keep an eye on plants that you prune and watch the results. If you have a camera, record before and after shots and share them. Sooner or later, we'll break up some myths going around.