Does moonlight have any effect on plant growth?

Sorry tstick to hijack your thread..
probably a stupid question but i currently got an outdoor going (first grow aswell) and i started covering it up completely to 12/12, the sun light hours are about 14/10 at the moment so when daylight savings stops and daylight is 12/12 can i just leave it out uncovered seems as its still 12/12 or will it be,to much of a change going from 100% darkness to moonlight? If that makes any sense?

[QUOTE = s0lumn; 10130172] Non è stupido, mi sono chiesto che come ben
Purtroppo non ho idea [/ QUOTE]
Non è la luce lunare che influenza le piante, bensì la gravità, il ciclo vegetativo per le piante annuali prevede la semina in luna crescente, chiedete a qualsiasi contadino.
It is not the moonlight that influence plants, but the severity of the growing season for annual plants involves planting in the crescent moon, ask any farmer.
First of all sorry for any english mistakes im from brazil rs ; P !!

About moon cicles there is a simple understanding to be observed , when the moon its growing , the first stage its good for seedling, cloning , and when its full moon anything that is in top of the earth it getting beneficial....

In bio dinamics thats the way... when there is no moon.. the main flow of energy goes to the roots... and as the moon gets bigger the energy comes up closing the cicle, so full moon its the best to harvest/foliar feeding etc....
idk how many times i have heard a breeder go to a grower with hermie plants from them say, oh, but i bet you have light leaks, that's why your gear hermied, when in reality, it's more the breeder used some wonky ass hermie prone genetics to breed with..
my $.02

Your .02 is worth a million, good shit.
I have been looking for GOOD science on this same question for many years. If anybody feels like directing me to some feel free. Obviously biological systems respond to effects of moon, but what about plants? Specifically cannabis?

My hypothesis: Moonlight's effect photosyntheticly is nominal or completely zero. However I think something might be hiding in the moons gravity.

But then, science still won't comment on the moon's effect on people. But just about any seasoned employee of a hospital, bar, or a law enforcement agency can tell you. "The moon is out".

But the gravity would effect a plant just the same indoors vs. outdoors.

Conclusion: A very difficult question to test.
i'll just say this and leave it.
i grow in a small closet, and i tend to keep the door open to help control the temps.. my closet is about as far from light proof that you could get.. i also have a lil light thingy on the end of a plug in the closet on one of the chords.. been growing in the same spot for idk, 5 years or so now, and i've never, knock on wood, seen a single hermie plant..
i know i can't be that lucky because trust me, if it weren't for bad luck, i'd have none, but ime, i feel people freak out over the absolute darkness thing way too much and breeders who have hermie prone genetics like to look for any little thing they can to take the blame off of them and place it back on the growers.. idk how many times i have heard a breeder go to a grower with hermie plants from them say, oh, but i bet you have light leaks, that's why your gear hermied, when in reality, it's more the breeder used some wonky ass hermie prone genetics to breed with..
my $.02

I have to agree with this too.
My room is light leaky and only ever had one plant herm on me.
A big seed run and just one herrmied on me.
I think it's about good genetics.

My outside veg garden grows under the moon and stars and 2 HPS security lights from the business next door.
It grows very well year after year.
I doubt minor leaks in a tent will have any effect on your grow.
moonlight is no concern,however on full moon's I experience extreme abnormal bodyhair growth,elonggated jaw,and a desire to howl...
Very interesting read and responses to different growers. This plant is the most interesting plant, weed whatever you want to call it I love this plant it makes me Happy that's why I have this handle name.
Plants are sensitive to changes in light much more than just the ambient level of light. The reason light leaks that are less bright than moonlight can cause problems is because the plant getting the leak was previously in 100% darkness, so 100% darkness to whatever amount of light that leaks in is a big change. In outdoor plants, the ambient level of moonlight is what they are accustomed to during their dark period, so they are less sensitive to light leaks as light leaking onto them causes a smaller percentage change even if the leak has more light in terms of lux. Sorry if my phrasing sucks, my brain is sorta off today. But yeah, my point was, plants respond more to the percentage change of light than to the actual amount of light.

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