does more light mean more bud?

Ima newb on my first grow she's a auto BerryRyder 33days old..,. Does more light mean I'll get more bud I use 2 CFL lights 125w each...


Well-Known Member
It does to an extent, plants can only use a certain amount of light to do their thing. Obviously indoor growers try and give their plants as much usable light as possible, with CFL's I doubt you could over do it before you ran out of space, or ran into heat concerns. But I haven't done the math and don't care too :)

With 2 125 watt CFL's I would probably add 4-8 23 watt CFLS of assorted spectrum's in Y splitters for side lighting. CFL's you want to get the lights as close to the plants as possible without burning the plants, so that the light the weakers lights produce is fully utilized.

FWIW CFL's have grown the stinkiest pot I've grown to date, I have ran the same strains under HPS at double the watts, definitely seen a yield increase but also lost a lot of the smell, with the potency remaining close to the same. Now this is just observation from about 3 different grows and only 1 using CFL's. I could have just had 2 stinkier phenos the first go round.
Thanks mate.. Yeah my BerryRyder stinks I have her in a cupboard in my Room and it absolutely stinks!!' nice fruity smelll I keep the lights 1-3 inches all the time these lights are on like 14hrs on 10hrs off but the plant grows so quick im constantly moving the lights up and up... Im soon going to run outa space :/


New Member
hi new here, but wanted to chime in, im running 12 - 1000 watt lights, 3, 8" dual raptors and 6 6" single raptors, when i added the metal halide lights to the second socket in the duals, my buds got way more dense, my harvests almost doubled in weight......adding more light is good if its in the right spectrum, ive discovered if you add a metal halide to your bud room's normal HPS lights, it adds the other end of the spectrum normally associated with vegging, and it adds to the over all density of the bud. that was the best thing ive ever done to improve yields.


Well-Known Member
Yea its so nice after you get past the 12-12 stretching.dont have to move my cfls anymore.thats why a timer sucks with cfls cause if you aint there when lights come on your deff guna burn your plants


Well-Known Member
It does to an extent, plants can only use a certain amount of light to do their thing. Obviously indoor growers try and give their plants as much usable light as possible, with CFL's I doubt you could over do it before you ran out of space, or ran into heat concerns. But I haven't done the math and don't care too :)

With 2 125 watt CFL's I would probably add 4-8 23 watt CFLS of assorted spectrum's in Y splitters for side lighting. CFL's you want to get the lights as close to the plants as possible without burning the plants, so that the light the weakers lights produce is fully utilized.

FWIW CFL's have grown the stinkiest pot I've grown to date, I have ran the same strains under HPS at double the watts, definitely seen a yield increase but also lost a lot of the smell, with the potency remaining close to the same. Now this is just observation from about 3 different grows and only 1 using CFL's. I could have just had 2 stinkier phenos the first go round.
Good post. I would like to add that I too seen the same thing when I went from CFL to HID. The bud wasn't nearly as smelly or sticky. I however have noticed a change when I switched to a 6500 kelvin metal halide lamp for veg. My last grow (first grow with the 6500k) was sooo smelly, my carbon filter couldn't handle the smell and it smelled up the entire house.
The whole house???? O shit im 18 in Ireland and going super stealth mode just growing bud cause I cant aford to buy it nymore lol.. The smell makes my mouth water like crazy I nearly dribble haha


Active Member
I've a 5 foot monster 6 weeks in flowering, and my room only gets stanky when the lights have been on and cooking for a couple hours.
Thank god for low odour strains xD
I added some CFLS to her to get the lower down branches, and i noticed serious trich production the branched bathed in CFL light vs. the Main HPS lighting.
So more is better, if the spectrum is right.


Well-Known Member
Yes, fans are necessary as far as I am concerned, you need to move air around the plant, especially in flower. You will have a much greater risk of having mold related issues without proper ventilation, that means intake and exhaust. Generally people like to have an oscillating fan on the plants as well as intake and exhaust. It makes them stronger less vulnerable to broken branches and more able to support the heavier buds as they develop.

If you are super stealth then you need to look into making a home made carbon filter, hook an exhaust fan up to it and you're set, I did this with 2 3.5 foot AK's that were stinking up outside my house. After I made my $20 carbon filter I had no more smell issues.


Well-Known Member
Well you don't want them in a hurricane where it blows the fan leaves in weird directions. Just a little summer breeze.


New Member
If the leaves are slightly wiggling your good, if your leaves are drastically dancing around then that's too much. Your best bet is to try to circulate the entire area around your girls and not blow directly on them. With CFL'S they need to be right on top of them the closer the better(within reason)and if you can add additional lights on the sides also. JAS
Okay thanks man I've got 2 CFL lights about 2 inches away from the top of her.. She's 33days planted is that late to put a fan on her?... Also is it important to top her? I've never done it before im not very sure how to and im scared I'll mess up and damage her