Does my Alternate of making hash oil sound effective to you?


Active Member
Well I guess the bottom line is I'm to broke to buy a BHO extraction tube and I'm to lazy to make my own. After doing some reading I found out Butane isn't very good for you either...
So I was wondering if taking my trimmings after their dry. Cutting them up a bit and then putting them in big metal pot with isopropyl alcohol.
Stir it for about 5 minutes and let sit for another 5.
Strain out the leafs and then pour the rest of the mix through a cheesecloth strainer. Take the remainder isopropyl alcohol and put it in a casserole dish and let it sit outside to evaporate, OR put on glass tray on a double broiler and let the alcohol evaporate off.

Does this sound like it would work? I heard if you do this, your left with a thick sticky oil. Anybody tried a similar method?


Well-Known Member
your kind of on the right track , you can make hash iso oils but its alot easier than you think ;)

get a glass jar (jam jar or simular) 3/4 fill with dry trim , fill till trim is covered with iso alcohol , put lid on shake for 10 seconds NO LONGER ! empty jar into a sieve , let the alcohol evaporate and you got pure canna oils , i like to put the oil onto a pyrex dish and let it sit ontop of some warm water to speed up the alcohol evaporation ...

if you leave it longer than 10 seconds you not only strip the THC off the plant trimmings but you also strip all the nasty shit aswell ... 10 seconds is plenty .... search ISO oils on here or google if you need more info but thats basicly it :)


Well-Known Member
You could look into the method using butane and the Honey Bee or something...


Well-Known Member
i have a honey bee extractor. all it is a pvs pipe that looks all fancy with one of there stickers on it. you seriously could go to home depot and buy a tube, some end caps, drill some holes, get some coffee filters, add your product, get the GOOD butane, the stuff named "Vector", its triple refined and that is what you want. you DO NOT want the Ronson crap or the stuff in the white bottle. the good butane is only $6 (around here, ive seen it on eBay for like x5 that price for some odd reason). the Honey Bee Extractor cost about $20-$30 bucks w/ shipping. i got mine from Canada years ago. i have seen some homemade ones in YouTube made out of old broken bongs. so you can you glass, or plastic. and about butane not being good for you, the butane evaporates at room temp, so by putting the butane/thc mixture into the Pyrex dish into a small bath of very hot tap water, you can see the butane evaporate off. its like a science project. if anything its more unsafe then unhealthy. what every you decide to do...BE CAREFUL!!! do it outside, WITH a fan pointed in your direction and away from your house and any corners, or enclosures. you do not want to trap the gas, butane sinks and can get trapped into corners and ignite. its best to do some research and do it outside for sure. or just play it safe and make some ISO Hash.