Does my plant look alright?

Please help fellow growers! My OG Kush strain has been on the soil for 13 days now. the first set of true leaves grew in healthy and fast. But its been about a week since my first set grew in and Im not seeing signs of a 2nd set. It is currently directly under 3 23 Watt CFLS. It looks healthy but as I stated I thought there would be a 2nd set of leaves by now. Do you guys think I should have it under a 400W MH by now and that is why it is not growing? Also, it is in a 1 gallon coffee container. Do you think it should be transported to a 3 gallon yet? Please give me advice guys, I really want my plant to survive! Attached are some pictures



Well-Known Member
No reason to transplant it. Current container is good for another month. Be patient.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
soil looks like poop, with a few chunks of half chewed corn.. lol jk but it looks really rich for a seed starting mix. next time get a very light airy mix, with perlite and vermiculite mixed in the loosen it up. possible toxic soil is to blame for slow seedling growth. some seeds/plants take a few weeks to get going, just give it some time. what kind of soil is that?
It is lamberts organic soil. There is no hydroponics store around me so I went to home depot. I heard decent reviews and was on a limited spending amount.


Well-Known Member
There are basically 3 things, garden soil, potting soil, and potting mix. You want potting mix. Garden soil is an definite NO in indoor growing, which is what you have.


Active Member
I am having pretty much your problem. My plant is about the same size (your plant droops more than mine but has better color than mine) and is almost same age but has stopped growing about a week ago. I would look around in the soil because I found my problem to be there were shrooms growing and so far I have found two of them. They were making my plant pale and it had slight purpling edges I am guessing do to stolen light and lack of heat. I am waiting and hoping it gets better so I would check that out and make sure. They are usually kind of hidden just below the soils surface.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
I am having pretty much your problem. My plant is about the same size (your plant droops more than mine but has better color than mine) and is almost same age but has stopped growing about a week ago. I would look around in the soil because I found my problem to be there were shrooms growing and so far I have found two of them. They were making my plant pale and it had slight purpling edges I am guessing do to stolen light and lack of heat. I am waiting and hoping it gets better so I would check that out and make sure. They are usually kind of hidden just below the soils surface.

I cant really see how shrooms would hurt your plant. if anything they will help because the mycelium that creates a network thru your soil helps roots pick up more nutes. Almost any type of mycelium is going to give your roots millions of surfaces to cover. myco's is a type of mycelium that works hand and hand with roots and helps nute up-take.

there may be a harmful type of "shroom" that would have a negitive effect but I dont know of any...

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
Mine were the same size at two weeks and not a lot bigger at three, but they're taking off now. The roots needed to grow in.
Mine is green crack,don't know if the strain makes abig difference at this early stage