Does my plant look ok???


Well-Known Member
Shes about a week old and getting water about once a day.....bottled natural spring water.... shes about 1 inch away i have 6 26 watt cfls going in a rubbermaid grow box......I can see the roots at the bottom of my cup already...... I was just wondering if its normal for the leaves to start drooping like they are in the picture....shes just getting her second set of leaves and the first are starting to droop a bit....what causes this???

over or underwatering??

please help



Well-Known Member
Good job so far. Advice:

1) Transplant to a bigger pot.
2) That pot should not be see-through. Roots HATE light.
3) Stop watering so often. Watering should be more like every 3-4 days, and as enjoi said above, the soil should get dry in between waterings (so air can get to the roots).
4) Checking the pH of your water is always a good idea.
5) Are there holes in the bottom of that cup for run-off? There should be. Although you should just move to a bigger pot, and that should also have holes in the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Ive been watering with a moisture meter when its dry and transfer to a bigger pot already within first week??? How do I transfer this is my first grow. thanks for help


Active Member
You dont need to transplant yet. Wait till the plant gets bigger. In the meantime cover your cup with paper or something so light doesnt penetrate it.