does NOT smell like bud


I cut down a white widow plant and it does not smell like bud. It smells like grass or like wet hay and it smells bad. I just put the buds into a jar to start the curing process. What should I expect from this?


Well-Known Member
nope stayed like hay got a small amount of fruit smell when i broke it up but that was it. i dried it slow cured for 4 weeks and still hay! hope yours is better good luck


Well-Known Member
yeah i had to my drain holes got clogged and funked up my soil killed all my fan leaves so i felt it was better then nothing, but after no smell and not a very good high i made hash out of it and it wasn't a total wast.


Ok well I hope the cure helps. Is there a specific cause to this smell? I will be curing for as long as it takes just as long as I get a good end product


Well-Known Member
yep premature cultivation is a bitch

you ever see grass smelling weed on the street and wondered why its not as good?

or why lower buds are not as nice as top colas?

because the flowers are not ideally ripe


Well-Known Member
My first harvested plant looked very done into its 10th week of 12/12, red hairs receding, all milky trichomes with a rare amber (the bud itself looked like it was actually ready for harvest, I know better than people that want to harvest a week or 2 early). But it too started smelling more like grass than marijuana After I chopped it. I think it was because it dried too quickly with high temperatures due to the nice weather, I also might have had too much airflow (although none of it was blowing directly from the fan to the bud). They hit their 25% of wet weight after 2.5 days, and the last few days of jar curing (burping about 3 times a day) seems to have made them a little bit closer to having a neutral smell. Luckily though, it smokes super smooth, burns to white ash, the smoke itself dosen't stink weird or taste bad, and its fairly potent! Pretty good for a first harvest I think, I just hope the smell of the unused bud improves with more curing.