Does Pro-Mix "bx" Need perlite or vermiculite


Well-Known Member
Wussup 4's imma start gettin my grow setup again and a while ago i ordered this Pro-Mix bx soil that has some kinda fungai in it. ANyways its winter time where im at and none of the stores hasve vermiculite or perlite i looked on the bag and it says that it has both mixed in with it "horticulture grade" or some shit like that

ANyone ever used Pro-mix befor? And can u vouch that i can grow my babies in thier from seedling to harvest with out and added perlite or vermiculite THZZZ


Well-Known Member
I have not used it. I would assume that it does have plenty in it to grow. Foxfarm has plenty in it. Some still add more. By the time you are ready to transplant. They may have it in stock.

I seem to always find it at a hardware store. I never do see vermiculite. Perlite is all over the place when in season.