Does sex effect plant smell?


Well-Known Member
I have a small plant that is already smelling good (minty), like the weed I go the seed from. Do both sexes smell or just the female?


The Gardener

yes both male an famale have the same smell at vegging you wont be able to tell the diffrence by smell

The smell is only a good thing if it dont smell as bad with the fan on keep it on


The Gardener
girl plants smell like fish
can you spot your females by smell gygax

ive never noticed any diffrence in smell they both smelt pretty much the same to me but ive never really botherd to check properly i just always had the one smell it would be impossible to pick out males from females by smell alone

another 3-7 days and you will be able to tell from looking what sex you have :peace:


Well-Known Member
when the bud forms it just seems to be stronger in smell you can rub the stem and they smell about the same but if you rub a bud it will smell alot stronger