Does smoking in grow room effect plants negatively?


Well-Known Member
Seriously, 2 1/2 packs a day?

Thats like
50 a day
350 a week
1400 a month
16800 a year

Thats a serious ass load of poison you're sucking down.
What benefit to you derive from that?
nice job on the math, i quit drinking almost a year ago(8-15-09) so get the fuck off my about poison add the 3 or 4 joints a day in there and now your talkin.Bottom line on the op and first post, a couple smokes a day wont hurt a thing in your grow room.out.


Well-Known Member
No need to get your panties in a bunch - I asked a simple question.
What benefit are you getting out of it?
simple, i smoke alot more now so i wont drink until i beat the hell out of idiots which in turn keeps me out of jail.panties? i aint wearin nothin but cowboy boots and a cig in my mouth;)its' like saying dont eat beans and go in your grow room, methane gas will slow down the growth of mj at very low concentrations right?


Well-Known Member
simple, i smoke alot more now so i wont drink until i beat the hell out of idiots which in turn keeps me out of jail.panties? i aint wearin nothin but cowboy boots and a cig in my mouth;)its' like saying dont eat beans and go in your grow room, methane gas will slow down the growth of mj at very low concentrations right?
got e m...

Wes R

well basicaly smokin in a room with plants can maybe hurt them idk man but just smoke under the stars so u can trip...... thats fun to do but whatever floats your boat....
Hay Just let you guys know that its good to smoke around your plant's, and you know this because when you smoke it Increases the Co2 (Carbon Dioxide) levels in the room or where you are. It is really good to smoke around them in flower because plants use Co2 to make sugars ( During Photosynthesis) in return this makes your buds heavier and brings out the taste. Think of it like this growing a triangle concept it needs three main things to grow fast and strong.
1. Photosynthesis
2.Food ( Nutrients) N-P-K

But in the Triangle there is another triangle, and its three parts are PPM,CO2,Gm(Grow medium) If you want to grow really good bud then you should Know what the level of the CO2 (PPM) is in the room and the (PPM) in your Nutrients, I have found if you start the level of CO2 as the same as your PPM in you Nutrients they seem to do a lot better! But I prefer to start my CO2 @ 1,250ppm I see a lot of fast growth, and inter nodes are a lot closer! Witch means BIGGER and HEAVIER BUDS


Global Moderator
Staff member
Smoking creates (Poisonous) Carbon Monoxide = Very bad for you and your plants.
Breathing creates Carbon Dioxide = Bad for you in concentration, but very good for your plants.


Sorry for bringing back this old thread.. But had a question been seeing lots of scientific publishings, and random speculation about tobacco smoke in indoor grows and smoke from forest fires and similar covering other plants in smoke.
in general smoke actually helps all kinds of plants grow sturdier, achieve closer node spacing I know there were other benefits too besides acting as pesticide and super low co2 enrichment..also smoke apparently helps seeds to sprout . or atleast ability to choose exactly when to time ave them sprout

But have always heard that the tar and toxins in cigarette smoke would harm the plants if anything. Still a very up in air issue it seems.

Other question to throw out, most these tests were done on cigarette smoke in grow would thc smoke have less harmful toxin/tar effects and more stem/branch strengthening effects or is tobacco necessary as it probably is for any pesticide help... Def seen planting tobacco in garden