Does smoking weed daily increase hair loss?

every old hippy i know has long hair.soo no.allsoo there where tests on testosterone weed also didn't do anything are probably just getting old and its genetics or you are in a high stress for a long period
could allsoo be a placebo effect if you decide its happening because of something your brain will accept it and start doing it
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I'm 69 and have smoked pot almost every day since I was 13 and still have a full head of hair halfway down my back. Still red too tho faded more to orange. Maybe I could sell some to tRump. :D

When I had my T tested a couple years ago it was higher than most 18 year old's and I had a vasectomy when I was 32.

And pot shows up in hair testing by being put in there by the hair follicles and not because the smoke gets in your hair. lol
Been smoking weed since '82 started shaving my head in the 90's. Maybe there is something to it.
What is wrong with going bald? Doesn't prevent you from hooking up. I like being stream lined. Some people cannot handle the aerodynamic efficiency. If you swim, you could proly shave a few milliseconds off your lap times. I can see if you only like people that hang out with low testosterone types, quitting weed could be to your advantage. I prefer to get high and hang out with people that care about what I do, not how I look. Not that I'm ugly. I wouldn't make a plastic surgeon rich.
Do people really take advice from hair dressers? When I had hair, I went to a barber. I wouldn't follow any of their advice. You know why? Because they are barbers, not life coaches. I wouldn't take a life coaches advice either, unless it was something that I was already gonna do.
Do you know anyone that had a hair folicle test in the military? I don't. I know a piss test coordinator on active duty, he never mentioned any sort of hair test. In my unit in USAREUR, our piss test coordinator would tell all of the stoners when the piss test was. That lady was quite the drinker, but she never smoked weed. Proly could have benefited from smoking a little.
Id say its genetics also another common thing lots dont consider that makes balding worse is hats or helmets so if you work in a job that requires it be aware ive never had issues this way myself tbh theres only one bald dude on either side of my family and he was in the navy for decades and on subs he thinks the combo of genetics and wearing hats alot didnt help i also said the radiation wouldnt help either but who knows lol just something to think about idk if you wear hats op just saying
i wont go the buzz cut route, until i give Minoxidill extra strength a few months trial:wall::wall::wall: i want hair like the weed deals guy
I took a twelve year pause (from smoking and growing) when my wife was working a high profile job. The first few months I did pull a little of my hair out.

But I'm pretty sure hair loss, hair color, the timing of hair graying and the amount of body hair, is determined in our genes. (like most everything about us is)
The research is inconclusive. Some studies suggest a potential link between THC (the psychoactive compound in weed) and hair loss, while others haven't found a connection.

Possible reasons for hair loss could be:
THC affecting hair follicle growth cycles
Increased stress levels from smoking weed (stress can contribute to hair loss)

Here are some things to consider:
Genetics play a major role in hair loss.
Other lifestyle factors, like diet and overall health, can also affect hair.