does the amount of veg time affect the potency


Well-Known Member
it seems like it would but i've never read this. if u have two plants one that u throw into flowering right away and one u veg for 6 weeks doesn't it seem like the one that vegged would be more potent even if the flowering times are exactly the same? get back at me on this one


Well-Known Member
Not really more potent, just more bud as the vegged plant will be bigger. I have seen clones flowered at 4-6in provide one big cola that was dank as hell. but of course it didn't provide the amount of bud a clone 18-20in. would provide.
Same bud, smaller scale.


Well-Known Member
Hah I wonder if my sprout would survive a sex check to go back into veg :P Really dont want to waste all this time on males :P

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I doubt the larger plant would be more potent.....

interesting thought ... hope we can get a solid answer..



Active Member
hard to say but it seems to me that mine (6-7 months old/14 inches tall....
"bonzai bud" lmao,.... seems to be pretty darn potent , a bowl of leaves and tops will make it hard for me to type right lol)
i have kept it topped the crap out of to keep it small but still let it age.
still dunno m or f.........thinking about cutting back the light soon.
i also wonder if , once it is full on into budding if going back to 24 hr light
would screw it up or just grow buds twice as fast from the extra photosynth.
any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
hard to say but it seems to me that mine (6-7 months old/14 inches tall....
still dunno m or f.........thinking about cutting back the light soon.
i also wonder if , once it is full on into budding if going back to 24 hr light
would screw it up or just grow buds twice as fast from the extra photosynth.
any thoughts?
you should know if it's m or f by now man. preflowers start showing after 4 - 6 weeks if you switch to flower then back to veg it'll "mess" with your plant causing slow or even abnormal growth for a couple of weeks but it should straighten back out..


Well-Known Member
my opinion would be the bud would be the same, ive seen tiny clones flowered and huge 5 footers flowered, to be honest it depends how healthy they are - id say the bud = same for both if they are equally healthy. however, if its a 6month old 3foot tall deficient giant that just recently was brought back into good health then i would say the quality wouldnt be as good as small clones. ive seen it happen like this, once they are old/deficient then the yield/quality is altered. the below text is irrelevant to the thread, sorry for going off on a tangent.

hard to say but it seems to me that mine (6-7 months old/14 inches tall....
"bonzai bud" lmao,.... seems to be pretty darn potent , a bowl of leaves and tops will make it hard for me to type right lol)
i have kept it topped the crap out of to keep it small but still let it age.
still dunno m or f.........thinking about cutting back the light soon.
i also wonder if , once it is full on into budding if going back to 24 hr light
would screw it up or just grow buds twice as fast from the extra photosynth.
any thoughts?
im afraid it doesnt work like that at all, by putting them back into 24/0 they would go back into veg - people re-veg their plants all the time. my buddys done it, ive done it, ppl here have done it. its proven that they require 12/12 to bud, switching back to 24/0 will switch it back into its vegetative state.

but yeah dude, 6-7 months and you dont know if its m or f? if its m, you have so much pollen in your area that you should seriously just bleach the whole thing down lol!, that would seriously suck ass. i mean dude, look at some pictures...look for a calyx (empty seed pod) with 1 or 2 white pistils (hairs) coming out, theyre located on the nodes right under the growth. oh also, how is your plant 14 inches at 6-7 months old? mine are 4 months old at 5 feet 6 inches - and ive been topping the shit out of them & taking clones.

seems to be pretty darn potent , a bowl of leaves and tops will make it hard for me to type right lol)
what? are you smoking vegging weed?....


Active Member had it under 24 hour light the whole time, and topping it back like an axe murderer lmao leaving only like 1 or 2 extra leaf sets between the branchings , keeping it slow and small (small space ) i was a little stoned when i wrote that lmao, it's more like a foot tall but real wide, and with uncountable tops now.
but no no hint of flowers, buds, hairs, etc. (which from what i've read and experienced ...-old school 44 years normal) until you drop them to 12 hrs or less they just keep growing.
"reproductive behavior" is triggered by the decrease in light. and yes i suppose i'm smoking "vegging weed"
just the tops i cut off and a few of the larger shade leaves. One thing i suppose, that might have some bearing on
this plant is that i put a very small uv light in with them (i used to have 6) but evidently it was more powerful than it looked, this one is the only one that came out of the burning
.....dammit, lol
ahh well live and learn , i thought i was simulating a "more natural" light with the uv but it was too much.
i suppose that could have affected the growth patterns, who knows. one good thing ios that the little sucker
is straight up SKUNK! (rub a stem and smell it and it kicks your nose in the butt) lol.
thanks for the revegging info! wouldn't want to waste 2-3 weeks waiting for it to get it's head together but yea man, i know flowers, hairs, nodes, etc. and there is not a hint of anything but leaves (even with a magnifying glass).


Well-Known Member had it under 24 hour light the whole time, and topping it back like an axe murderer lmao leaving only like 1 or 2 extra leaf sets between the branchings , keeping it slow and small (small space ) i was a little stoned when i wrote that lmao, it's more like a foot tall but real wide, and with uncountable tops now.
but no no hint of flowers, buds, hairs, etc. (which from what i've read and experienced ...-old school 44 years normal) until you drop them to 12 hrs or less they just keep growing.
"reproductive behavior" is triggered by the decrease in light. and yes i suppose i'm smoking "vegging weed"
just the tops i cut off and a few of the larger shade leaves. One thing i suppose, that might have some bearing on
this plant is that i put a very small uv light in with them (i used to have 6) but evidently it was more powerful than it looked, this one is the only one that came out of the burning
.....dammit, lol
ahh well live and learn , i thought i was simulating a "more natural" light with the uv but it was too much.
i suppose that could have affected the growth patterns, who knows. one good thing ios that the little sucker
is straight up SKUNK! (rub a stem and smell it and it kicks your nose in the butt) lol.
thanks for the revegging info! wouldn't want to waste 2-3 weeks waiting for it to get it's head together but yea man, i know flowers, hairs, nodes, etc. and there is not a hint of anything but leaves (even with a magnifying glass).
could you be more specific about the UV light you used? Was it a UVB bulb? How many watts? Floro or flood light style?