Does the number of pistols pollinated correlate to number of seeds yielded?


Hey folks.
I have a situation where a hermie has blown into my veg room. I am considering pulling them because although they have been under 24 hour light, they have two pistols poking out of each node site.

So, I am in the position of not knowing how much seed will be in my bud if I choose to put them through a whole cycle.

Two main questions:
1. Does the amount of hairs pollinated directly relate to how packed the buds are with seed?
2. If I let the babies veg for another 3 weeks, will the new growth/nodes produce buds that will be seeded as well?

I have posted a photo of what the pistols look like.

Thanks for any opinion/feedback


Well-Known Member
For each pollinated pistil the plant will make a seed unless the strain has two pistils per calyx in which case if either is pollinated it will create just one seed - generally not two per calyx. Only plants that are polinated will make seeds so your plants in veg without pistils should not be seeded.

If there are only preflowers present you will end up with very very few seeds (maximum of 4 per node - one per calyx/preflower/pistil) unless there is a whole lot of pollen just blowing around your enclosure.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I've had grows with a lone hermie flower that opened up and only partially pollenated a couple of the nearby females, and left the others alone altogether, and I only got a small amount of seeds(which ended up being awesome hybrids, btw)... If you were to have a real male in a room of females, you would likely have a fairly heavy pollenation, resulting in a massive amount of seeds on everything... It would just depend on airflow, as the pollen travels to unpollenated stigmas via the air, so if it weren't a very breezy room,. u may still only end up with a partial pollenation, and not that many seeds... It's all relative to the conditions, and with the ration of females to males, and females to hermie plants...