Does this hobby make you feel good about things in general.


Active Member
i couldnt agree more! about 6 years ago i expanded my pet enthusiasm for Red-tail Boas from 2 to 16 to take it to the next level!( not to mention im getting too FKN OLD to keep killin myself doin cocrete work!!!) i discovered how much breeders were getting for these baby boas and all the different morphs of the red-tail boa, and i damn near SHIT_MYSELF!!! so now im producing an average of 200 to 400 babys a year makin 4 times what i was bustin my ass 60 hours a week,DOIN SUMTHING THAT I HAVE A GREAT PASION AND LOVE FOR!!! and now that i moved my lil hobby indoors (after finishing off the rest of our basement and conveniently positioning a 7'x15' room int the middle of three rooms with the only access is through the closet in th snake room, and since i did the work myself!, nobody would ever imagine there was a 4th rom down there!!!) SORRY, that was just kind of a "SELF wow but anyway what im trying to say here is, i do get that feeling carin for the plants also! "SELF FULFILMENT" not as much as wathching a big ole female boa drop out 20 to 30 little ones!!! (boas are born live in seperate birth sacks not hatched from egg, for those that didnt know that, pretty AMAZING sight!!! but i do admit, harvesting that fesh bud feels PRETTY DAMN GOOD too!!! not in it for the money, just the variety!just suck that i think i smoke now more for the medicinal purposes than the physical n mental enjoyment of it. but...FUCKIN A, ITS ALL GOOOOD!!! dont leave the house much anymore(poker wed n friday but its probably better that way! too many "STUPID" people out there!
wow 2 too many bong hits before that one...sory JUST 2 OF MY PASSIONS! lil womans gettin jealous, says i spend more time in the rooms downstairs than i do with her in ours?.?.?. what she dont understand is.........SNAKES AND PLANTS DONT (verbally) TALK BACK!!!
SORY :peace:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
never having ever grown even a flower in school or anything, i was a little hesitant at growing. so i read here, and there, i watched all the grow vids I could, perused sites like this one. So I am on my 13th day of flowering and Yeah! this is the best feeling. To be able to come home and putter around my babies, talking to them, crooning to them, nurturing them. And they are growing! that is the best feeling. i can be grumpy from a shitty day of work, but I come home and start to tend to my babies, and the whole world looks brighter. so It definitely does cheer me up. And knowing that eventually, (and I do mean EVENTUALLY; I'm growing under 6 tubed 40w cool whites!), I'll be able to smoke what i grew, what a satisfying thought
i am much calmer now that i can go home and 'play' with my kiddies (being childless, they ARE my children and i treat then as such...:mrgreen:


taking a shit for me is not peacefull..its business!! i take shitting very seriously.. if there was an U.S.A Olympic team for freestyle shitting i would be on it!!

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Why so,it's called taking pride in what you do with your own 2 hands.

Next time i'll start a thread about chasin ho's,makin cash & smokin blunts,that way nobody feels gay :rolleyes:
But we like this thread panhead! I have to agree I feel great when I'm working on my garden. Life is cool,plants are life and don't talk back like kids!!
P.S. I bought my ph test kit the color chart kind and my water was off the chart that goes to 7.6 pluss I know that I was trying to adjust my ph with my cheap ass meter and probably had my ph way low the last time i watered.
So I'm waiting to see if this makes a dif and I get some good growth started.
:peace:peace man:peace: