Does this indicate sex?


Active Member
Basicially I had many different plants planted outdoors. One in praticular that I had been working with since december (had good known genetics) turned out to be a male. I decided to just move my other (probabally still soemwhat premature plants) inside to induce flowering. During the first week of flowering I have begun to notice some differences, are these indicative of sex?

The first two picturres show the plant tall and skinny with no real defined top. The top is skinny and covered with bulbulous structures. This is exactly what is happening to my large, known good genetics, plant that is outdoors (it is begining spring, so flowering is being induced naturally I think). Is this simply the plant trying to grow upwards, or are these male flowers? Is this indicative of a male?

The second two pictures show one plant in praticular. The top is well defined and leafy. I have not noticed any bulbulous structures. I believe this is my female? Is what I am noticing indicative of a female?

Possible Male1:
Possible Male2:[/IMG
Possible Feamle1:[IMG]
Possible Female2:[/IMG


Well-Known Member
Why exactly are the balls only on top? Is this what always happens with males? I thought they would be all over..


Well-Known Member
its pollens sacks...they will open and every white hair on the females that is exposed to the pollen will get pollinated to form a seed.....