Does this make sense? :S

I have been reading up on lighting again.

HPS lights/MH are better than CFL's etc and all that.

But i have a question.

In the case of a SOG operation, say if i was vegging my mother plants from seeds, getting them to the suitable height.

Does it matter at this stage what kind of lights i use?

At the end of the day, if the cuttings taken will be grown under a HPS anyway in this case, would that give me the same yield if the mother was vegged using CFL's opposed to MH?


The metal halide will produce closer internode growth than the cfls because of the lumen intensity. I veg with floros and flower with hids. Just my choice I guess.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
The difference is going to be how the clones are grown. Keeping a mom under cfls seems totally reasonable to me than if you wanna veg the clones under HIDs I don't think it's going to matter that much.


Active Member
The metal halide will produce closer internode growth than the cfls because of the lumen intensity. I veg with floros and flower with hids. Just my choice I guess.
What brainy said...
You can grow the mothers under floros fine. Get a different floro setup for clones and keep them internodes tight and plants and the short side before flowering and then they will stretch and fill up the flower room with nice buds. Just let them get use to the new HID for a few days before dropping the lights on them.
Interesting replies, can always count on RIU.

Thes reason im asking this question is because the grow unit will be 2 seperate grow tents, back to back so the openings are on either side of the unit. Im then going to construct a housing unit with either end (where the openings will be) being attatched using velcro. Im not really the best at explaining thigs lol

In one grow tent i would have my mother plants and in the other grow tent, 20 of my clones (maybe less, depends how many i can fit comfortably) . Each grow tent measures 80x80x160 cms.

I would like to use the best lighting possible for decent yields, but getting 2 250 watts HPS bulbs for each tent works out pretty expensive, and also may work out expensive to run..


Well-Known Member
I have been reading up on lighting again.

HPS lights/MH are better than CFL's etc and all that.

But i have a question.

In the case of a SOG operation, say if i was vegging my mother plants from seeds, getting them to the suitable height.

Does it matter at this stage what kind of lights i use?

At the end of the day, if the cuttings taken will be grown under a HPS anyway in this case, would that give me the same yield if the mother was vegged using CFL's opposed to MH?
cfl envirolites are very good for veg and hps for flower........


Active Member
CFLs will work fine while reducing heat quite a bit. Just need to get them set up correctly. Good luck.