Does this need attention


New Member
Hi all
Swim has a some spots appearing on leaves and needs help identifying e problem. The spots have been present from a few weeks into veg and swim had just been removing the problem leaves this seems to be working but he knows it's prolly not good for the plant. It is about 4 weeks into flower using canna nutes. Plant is very bushy and bud sites everywhere. Any advice would be good. Ph has allways been constant at 5.9.



New Member
hard to tell from your pictures, and im a new guy, but spider mites leave small spots like that. Check under your leaves wth a microscope.


New Member
Thanks for the reply had a good look and no signs of any mites. Was thinking maybe a manganese or cal def but leaves are not yellowing or falling off

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
hard to tell from your pictures, and im a new guy, but spider mites leave small spots like that. Check under your leaves wth a microscope.
Took a close look... Not getting a mite vibe... but keep an eye out for webbing just in case.
Just take the leave that are dead or near it. That will put a little energy into the healthy parts of the plant.
This going on for 2 weeks probably means it ain't going away on it's own.
Make sure the holes in the bottom are clear and soil is draining right.
A mystery at this point for me.


New Member
None of the leaves are dead at this point do you recommend removing some of the problem leaves to allow more light through or will that cause other problems because it is in the flower stage. The drainage is all fine it is on a dwc with clay pebble