Does this shit ever stop????


Well-Known Member
So I have a HUGE plant that is in about the 2 week of flower. But this bitch just doesn't stop growing... I was under the impression that it stops growing once in flower. From my understanding just a few extra inches from stretch. But this shit is already hitting 6 feet and I don't have anymore space between it and my light... idk what to do... I've tried tieing it down but it just keeps growing... here's a pic. Any ideas on how to bend this bitch without snapping it lol



Well-Known Member
LOL bro. Yeah they pop when they start flowering. Just a theory but, they had been using most of their resources to establish a good root system and when that slows. BOING. I dunno man. Maybe try hanging the light to the side and rotate the plant often. It will absolutely have to stop when it reaches the ceiling. Good problem to have I guess. I don't know. Looks like it also stretched all to hell.


Well-Known Member
Plants get 2 - 4 times larger when in flower. They stretch a lot over the fire 3 weeks. Then a couple more inches over the next couple weeks. All you can do is tie down. Maybe super crop if it's still early


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I was kinda hoping someone had a genius idea but I guess all I can do is tie her down. Thank you all for the advise I just hope the bud growth on the main stem doesn't get compromise by heat stress. I will attempt to set up the light vertically maybe buy another 400w fixture to have one on each side for my future grow... I can say I'll probably never grow a big one like this again lol


Active Member
So I have a HUGE plant that is in about the 2 week of flower. But this bitch just doesn't stop growing... I was under the impression that it stops growing once in flower. From my understanding just a few extra inches from stretch. But this shit is already hitting 6 feet and I don't have anymore space between it and my light... idk what to do... I've tried tieing it down but it just keeps growing... here's a pic. Any ideas on how to bend this bitch without snapping it lol
Sorry I cannot help you due to lack of experience but I gotta say this made me laugh. God gracious that bitch is huge. Hope you get that fixed somehow.