does this sound bout right ph question


Active Member
hi guys ive had my dwc using ro water with 0 tds its been running about 8 days added 1/4 nutes yesterday and adjusted the ph to 5.5 ive jut checked this morning 24 hours later and the ph had risen to 6.5 ive adjusted back to 5.5 will this fluctuation happen daily im using canna aqua manythanks

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
hi guys ive had my dwc using ro water with 0 tds its been running about 8 days added 1/4 nutes yesterday and adjusted the ph to 5.5 ive jut checked this morning 24 hours later and the ph had risen to 6.5 ive adjusted back to 5.5 will this fluctuation happen daily im using canna aqua manythanks
as far as i'm aware, yes. whne you addnutes to the water they bring the PH down, and as the plants feast on the nutrients, the water will become more diluted and as such the ph will raise. or at least thats my take on it right now.
either way though it is normal :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
maybe, maybe not, i'm pretty new into all this myself.

looking at the back of the canna bottles, it states that the ingredients are such that you only have to bother PHing the initial set of water (assumin they're working along the lines of the LUCAS formular, topping up as opposed to straight replacement).

but i filled my res up with 1/2 strength water last wednesday, 20L of it, and then just left it be till today, where there is about 3L of water left and they're all still as healthy as can be :) i pln on just changing the ph when i change the res, and try not to worry about it too much on the other 6 days of the week :)


Active Member
thats what i cant uderstand on the bottle its says just ph it once and it will stay in range???? mines a 18 litre resivoiur on 18/6 at the mo i had to topup 2 pints ov water this morning that it evaporated/plants used its fully light proof so ur ur saying you use the same nutes canna aqua and only ph the initall nute change and not checked again all all week

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i've got canna aqua flores and vega. currently got 4 in flowering and 4 in veg, the veg ones get their water changed out every 2 weeks or so, and the flowering every week. i simply prepare my 20L of water, add feed, ph and then put lid ontop, the plants will use this water for a week (they're small at present, so the 20L seems to have lasted the 7 days almost perfectly (and sod the ph, i havn't checked it since i filled the tank). i then get a new PH'd 20L of water for the next week. i don't think i'd be able to follow the LUCAS formular too long before i cocked up.

should the plants start drinking half the tote in a couple of days, as tey probably will later on in their life, so i might have to think about trying to setup a second reservoir for each tote (my reason for DWC is primarily that it might hopefully be less maintenance and hassle than soil/coco. if i have to get into topping the res up[ every few days then i've plain failed in my plans :lol: