Does this sound like deficiency or pest?


Well-Known Member
Ok unfortunately I can't get a clear picture but basically every now and then I go check my plants and therell sometimes be a spot or two of new growth that is completely shrivelled dry and crumbly. No droop before just healthy looking growth one day next day bone dry and crumbly. It's always the tips the youngest leaves, and there is usually a tiny split along the stem as well. So my question is is this a deficiency (I'm thinking not only because deficiency starts at the bottom and works up) or is it what I'm leaning toward, some kind of little bug getting in there and sucking it dry? Cause it completely drys the whole head I basically have to top wherever it happens
Don't have any, that's why I provided visual descriptions. Scattered spots of shriveled crumbly growth, rest looks absolutely fine - is that soundin like a bug problem or a nutrient problem