DOG Kush LED Grow Journal

hahaha im doin that to my friend because he had to quit because of some bullshit and its been almost a year and we used to smoke the same amount.

Im gonna make edibles, wax, and some killa blunts and everything i can do. Might even get my friend to bring his volcano. Either way hes not gonna wake up for a day or so. hahaha
Im gonna make edibles, wax, and some killa blunts and everything i can do. Might even get my friend to bring his volcano. Either way hes not gonna wake up for a day or so. hahaha

Oh Boy, does that sound FUN! I'm in! I'll bring the Canna Rub to elevate the Body Buzz!

WooHoo! Peace
hell my boss got me the other day three good tokes of some chemmy hash from cali an i was right :-P had to sit down for a min.
i'm not buying that vac purge gear, i'm just going to cook it down properly then add ethanol and filter it. Absolute amber is what i'm going for but brown shatter will suffice:lol:

you see some nice looking shatter getting made from iso, but however many times ive tried it still scrapes up like a sticky gumball. Think it would take bud to get the sexy looking swag. I'm not at the stage with spare nug's haha, and after seeing what happened to Hydro's honey bee extractor i doubt i'll try it any time soon!
It play's game's with the tolerance too like the jig man alway's said.
Saying that, the last run i done from my own trim was amazing smoke! Nice and smooth with the full flav. on exhale! It tasted live a vap. and had more of the pineapple taste than the bud itself. Gutted i lost that plant and nobody kept clone's :(
Think when i get going i'll do a simple bubble hash, i only ever used the bag's once, the result was iffy, something wasnt done properly haha, i'll check if i have the pic.


this was from a bunch of really old trim, it tasted like a crappy bit hash that had been through the wash. Far from Full Melt haha
Ah man it's all preference really. I just hadn't done the bho for ages and thought why not if i can make shatter i'll give it a bash. mind you i have a proper glass tube with a jubilee clip for mesh filter so no chance of explosions! the bho has great flavour usually.

i don't mind low quality hash, goes on top of my herb in the bong just nice :lol: like you say far from melty but a million miles from soap eh!
don no glass tube for me just a home made one and i have never had a blow out i do want a proper glass tube;-)
Hell yeah love the BHO. still got a bubble bag for making dry ice hash. Real good easy way to get shit fast. Bho is fast but dry ice is like minutes to seconds.

UGH i need trim right now!!! My friend just got a dab setup and weve barely seasoned the nail with the left over iso from the HOG grow.

For all the dabbers out there, im making an E-nail for hopefully around 50 bucks. If i do im gonna open source them or sell them premade for 75-100 depending on how reliable they are.

Ive been wanting one for a while and fuck waiting for a coil to build my own. Goin back to basics. If anyone sees this and is good with electricity and amps/volts/ohms pm me or let me know on here! I know what i want to do will work, just dont know how well. haha

Ill for sure be puttin a video up of my trials and tribulations.
my favorite is jelly hash it is 3 parts bubble and 1 part bho i mix them then heat purge and then work it comes out like silly putty:bigjoint:
Ah man it's all preference really. I just hadn't done the bho for ages and thought why not if i can make shatter i'll give it a bash. mind you i have a proper glass tube with a jubilee clip for mesh filter so no chance of explosions! the bho has great flavour usually.

i don't mind low quality hash, goes on top of my herb in the bong just nice :lol: like you say far from melty but a million miles from soap eh!

thats for sure, i just stick my hash on top too, good when watching a film or busy, the j last's twice as long ;-)
So i FINALLY figured it out and feel pretty stupid for it.

The problems with the ph/water/nutes/plants was pretty simple to figure out.

So for a while (about a year) we used a RO filter to clean our water, weve recently (over the past year) switched to just tap left to sit out or be bubbled.

It was easier because our water came out 7.0 almost every time opposed to the 5.5 itd come out from the RO which was always difficult because after adding nutes itd drop to 5.0 or lower so i was using a fair bit of ph up.

So seeing them do better made me happy but they still had a p/k def so i knew something had to be up.

Ive finally tracked it down to the water. Normally, since it came out damn near 7.0 id never ph my normal water in between watering. I only noticed when i added a heafty pre-flowering dose of nutes to them and checked the ph and noticed it hadnt even dropped below 7.0

I always ph my nutes but maybe it was something about the dyna gro that dropped it more than the BPN im using now does.

After i saw that i grabbed a gallon that had been sitting for a few days and it was damn near 8.0!!!!

So all this time that ive flushed or fed with plain water i was probably fucking over the ph of my medium and causing more harm than good. It would always seem to get slightly better but never fully better. 2 steps forward one step back every time. Im almost confident that one step back was the regular water waterings.

Now that ive got that all squared away theyve really improved and will continue to. Already noticed theyve grown a solid 1/3 of their size and only have a handful of leaves that are showing def and im not sure if theyre permanently dead or going to recover. Nothing new has spread to any other leaves so i think ive nailed it.

Feel like such a scrub. :wall:

Onto the DOGs.

Here are all 5 the one on the far left looks super sad......
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So i chopped her. Figured she was too far gone to keep around.

And then there were 4....
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My pride and joy of flowering, the auto-topped plant growing weird as can be. One hell of a bush.
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All the other DOGs growin pretty well some a little more bushy than others but all look nice and dense at the main stem.

Nodes just packed ontop of other nodes. Didnt truly notice til i went to take clones.

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The DOG clones i took. 2x for each of them
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And last but not least the newest member of the DOG family
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Looks like shes got the fat mutated leaves of the auto-topped and indica dom ones.

Well, clones have been taken so these DOGs will be thrown in flower within the week!

Cant wait to see what these BUD BOSS 305s can do!!!

Theyve already impressed me in flower makming me switch up my cooling system because it was making it too cold in there due to lack of heat.

Kept my plants nice and short and dense. Not sure if its the strain or the lights, probably a little of both.

Ill be able to have them close to the top of the canopy so penetration shouldnt be a problem.

I CANT WAIT!!!! :fire:

Coming along nice mate, your going to have keeper prob's! ;-)
Coming along nice mate, your going to have keeper prob's! ;-)

Hell yeah! I was very kindly gifted these seeds and was amped since the day i got them.

I knew id get a keeper thats strong enough and flavorful enough. Just hope i get a good yielder or can figure out just how they like to be grown/trained.

so i have enough to go around! hahaha

Theyre goin into flower today since the weathers been bad and i havent had a chance to get out there and get some things i need.

So pictures later and a video tonight or tomorrow!
Keep an eye for how they stretch to suite you, im sure you got the strong enough there in abundance and the generally pull decent amounts
look forward to see them go under the LED too
So finally got them into flower. But before that, i had this one DOG i started not too long ago. Had 3 germin, 2 made it, 2 got fucked when i tried to plant it. This is the long survivor.


ANOTHER MUTANT!!! These things are some weirdos but i like em.

Giving mounding a try


All 4 DOGs in the flower tent.


Another angle


Alright so a day into 12/12 and i have most of the nute/ph issue under control. Only a few discolored leaves left over from before

Mostly a P def but im makin sure to give enough of it since its just starting flowering. Only one plant really showing any leaves that might be new DEF.

Cant wait to see these things boom!!!!

Editing a video now so hopefully itll be uploaded before the days over.
NIce man. You have overcome. Now you get to see what the panels will do for you. Judging from Jigs you will end up happy man.
What a BEAUTIFUL Tent! WooHoo! Happy 12/12!

I would bring the panels as close as you can while keeping the canopy covered!

Bring in additional Heat if you need to, mine grew slowly at 70ish deg F. Once I brought in the heat from the HPS room (78-80 deg), they took off!

Your Tent... 4 plants... 600watts of Bud Boss POWER... I would Conservatively Guesstimate OVER 1 lb! In MY Neck of the Woods, that would mean PAID FOR (+ profit) after only 1 Round, electricity and ALL!

Thanks guys! Glad i could finally get this show on the road. Jig is an inspiration and good friend for helpin me out.

First time flowerin with leds so im excited but if i get a full LB off these 4 in promix i will be giving this stuff away!!! That would be awesome!

The pictures dont show it but i dropped the lights to about 3-5 inches above the tops. I didnt have my other lens so i couldnt get a wide enough shot with them that low. haha Temps are nice now that the flower tent got started. They stay around 76 most of the time and night temps are 68-72 depending on the weather outside. IVe really noticed a difference since the temp has risen. It was in the negatives outside for a while but a week or so before flower it got nicers (upper 30s haha) so its been a little warmer in there and they loved it!

The most ive gotten was a little over 14 zips off my old 600w and the grape god! So about .7g/w which isnt too bad for 8 plants, not training them and only 3-4 weeks of veg in 1 gallon pots. So close to an LB harvest haha.

But a qp off each of these might be pushing it a little since im not so hydro like you med! haha. And i didnt do any real training.

But im expecting a modest 8 at least off this just because of the past problems. Maybe a nice 10-12 for an optimistic guess.

And once i get 9 or so in here all at once, plus a little more training, ill easily be able to blow past the LB mark.

Im gonna message the guy at grow evolution and see if he would be interested in making some white panels to be mixed in with the other ones.

Maybe 2x 151s with warm whites and cool whites. That way i can mount 1 on the left and one on the right possibly give a little extra on top of the 600ws i already have.

But thats for next grow, haha.

Clones arent lookin the best but its always a gamble takin clones with new strains. Some are throwin roots in 5 days others 10-14 before the first root shows.

Hope they all live!!!