DOG Kush LED Grow Journal

I dont need the exact flavor of the GSC to come through. ANY mix of the parents flavors will mix well and be nice. Because the parents were supposed to be the real deal like everything they make. Im lucky enough to get a forum cut for free. As for real deal genetics from them there are basically none. Anyone with them probably is lyin or was told a lie. The forum is everywhere and probably what most people consider cookies but the real shit is rare as everyone knows and heavily guarded. No one whos gonna be handin out clones is in that inner circle.

But im not crossin to make seeds of some new strain or start a company. Itll just be nice to cross it with somethin similarly frosty and well yielding/growing. Same OG ish family too. Never experimented with breeding either and since i cant do more than 1 cross since theyre both female let alone S1s. More of just a fun experiment and the ability to save some seeds and possibly bring some nice yield to the GSC.
Yeah, I grew the Mozambique Poison, a kissing cousin of the Durban. It would just be nice to get a cut of the GSC to grow and see what it is all about. I got a cut of the Blue Dream though and I am happy with that :)
The forum will be on the thread the day i get it! Hopefully no later than the end of next month.

Ill probably be startin a new thread depending on what i do with the DOG. Got another spot i might send it to. So ill probably keep this one goin. And its gonna take me a few months to get it vegged nice and big and cloned out so i can have a full run of it.

Blue dream is nice but i dont want it like i do the others

I want a real nice bubba kush. As well as cherry pie. Those and GSC is all that id ever need. I dont think id ever pop another bean or bother finding another clone. Maybe some sour diesel or headband. But not nearly as important as bubba, gsc, and cherry pie.

This dog is some good shit though. Nice rubbery diesel tastin og ish. Super potent and frosty. Probably the most potent strain from seed ive ever popped. I enjoy the high too. Not as couch locky as youd think a short fat plant would grow. Goes straight to your head off one hit, by the second its the whole body, and by the end of the blunt im ready for the day.

The oil is one of the best ive made too. Super stable so i have to go a little hotter than usual, into the 105s-110s, but it doesnt auto budder and still shatters at 85+ degrees. Ill have some in my car at an amusement park sittin in the sun all day and be able to go out to a car and with my hands snap off a chunk and drop it in my pen. So stable.
New tents are in.

Left: 4x4x6.5
Right: 5x5x7


Also got these

Boveda 62%s

Hell yeah i am!!! Gonna be pushin 900+ watts of LEDs in there, hopin for a nice LB per harvest. Takin those out in a day or 2 to clean any dust/dirt off the heat sinks. And im going to see if i can flip the fans to go in the opposite direction. They get way to dirty from any dust that lands on top of them then the intake sucks it all into the fixture. So i want to reverse them so its pullin air from the side vents and throwin it out the top. Should cut down on dirt a good amount.

Yeah Mo, my friend got a few cuts from his good friend in CO. The White 91' , GSC forum cut, "wookies" which i think is the white 91' X forum GSC. I think the white 91 is a cut used for all the wifi/other white crosses. Not positive though.
Def gonna be grabbin the GSC and white 91 for the stable. Might be givin up on the dog after that. But ill probably keep a mother of her around just in case.

I dont really like growin more than one strain at a time. I like maximizing my light/space so i get nice even canopies of all the same strain/pheno. So when i do get them im gonna have to mother them out, take a ton of clones, and do a whole round just GSC, then just the white, then back to the DOG unless the GSC/the white do well enough to get it put on the back burner. Which im assuming they are.
Hell yeah! Anyone on here know anything about wiring up new lines/circuit breakers??

Im trying to run a single pole 10awg 30 amp line to an outlet in my grow room. From what ive found the 30 amp breakers are used for RV plugs so all i can find are RV plugs and only 1 regular outlet but it looks funky.

So anyone with any electrical experience please help me out! I really dont want to have to run 2x 20 amp circuits up there but if its the only way i might just have to. But a single 30 amp would be perfect because ill be able to power my almost 20 amp grow room on that with plenty of room to expand, and then run the AC off the 20 amp wall outlets already in the room.

Also want to do this because the house is old and i dont like running at 16 amps on a 20 amp line because youre only supposed to run 80% amperage and im right in that zone and my lighting upgrade wouldnt put me over that but itd put me into the 18+ amp range and i do not want to do that in an old house. For all i know the guy coulda thrown a 20 amp in a 15 amp slot.

So a fresh new line running where we can inspect it and make sure its not over heating was the plan.
The white would be a great mother to have in the stable:-)

And i agree! cant wait to see how she grows/yields. Hopin to come across that cherry pie at some point and maybe a bubba. Then id be set for life. No need to look for other cuts.
20 amp is the biggest I have seen for outlets. You can run a separate 20 to each half of the outlet and break off the tabs.
In that case ill only really need to run 2 since im using the in room outlets for the AC. Probably just have each one run to a plug.

Anyone know the safety of running those 2 lines right next to each other/in the same piece of conduit? Ill probably look it up either way.
And what do you guys think would be easier/better:

Drilling a hole through the wall, running conduit up the side of the house, then drilling a hole back into the wall.


Drilling through the floor and only using conduit for where the wire is exposed, but try to hide it in a wall.

They both have troubling aspects haha.