dog owners unite


New Member
every thread I go to, someone is talking about their stupid assed cat....I hate cats...except they will keep a barn mouse free.
post pics, stories, or whatever about your dog. we can't let the cat people take over.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
LOL... I'm a dog person...and I don't like cats (although I love love love the LOLCatz pictures!!).

I would never begrudge those who love and own cats.... I just wish they would keep them indoors so they don't wander the neighborhood and poop in my flowerbeds :evil:.

It's kinda funny if you think about it... we are not allowed to let our dogs run free in residential neighborhoods... yet cats are free to roam??? Fucking little bastards will crawl inside your car if you leave a window open and piss inside your car.

I don't like cats...but I can't bring myself to actually hurt one....(example: shooting one while it's taking a dump in my flowerbed)... but I have no problem sneaking up on them with my garden hose


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I have a funny dog story for you, lol. I have 2 labrador retrievers. Well th other day my daughter was running up the stairs and of course the dogs follow. Well all of a sudden I hear my daughter yelling and moaning. I ran upstairs to see what is going on and see her laying on the floor rolling around holding her stomach. She yells out "Chester (black lab) farted in my face on the way upstairs and it smelled really bad mom, I feel sick now". Well I could hardly stop from laughing my ass off and there is Chester now licking her as she is on the floor as if he did nothing, lol. It was hilarious. Gotta luv dogs, sure could not imagine life without them. :mrgreen::peace:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
my driveway is 1/4 mile long and this guy will go get my newspaper for can't do that.

HAHAHAHA!!!! I have Jack trained to run out and fetch my newspaper too!!! Dogs actually LOVE to work!

My driveway isn't 1/4 mile long.... and if it were I know Jack would get lost in all the smells before he ever got to the paper... but he's good for the short jaunt out to my front lawn to fetch the paper.



New Member
these 2 are abosolutly fearless...I don't care how big your herd is, these 2 will bring em home...



Well-Known Member
hahahaha chiceh thats hilarious! i love animals in general...but im definitely more of a dog person than a cat person. but my best friend has 2 cats and i love them...they're the greatest cats but my baby is my boxer, shes 4. shes the sweetest most amazing dog i've ever met...and shes sooooo friggin smart, and sensitive. she does a lot of goofy things :D
sasha! 011.jpg

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
.... Well all of a sudden I hear my daughter yelling and moaning. I ran upstairs to see what is going on and see her laying on the floor rolling around holding her stomach. She yells out "Chester (black lab) farted in my face on the way upstairs and it smelled really bad mom,....

HAHAHAHA!!! I feed Jack a lot of table scraps and he gets gas that I swear peels the paint off the walls. He sleeps on the floor next to my bed and I've woken up, more then once, from a dead sleep because of the foul air he's unleashed.

I do my best to repay him by ripping one in his face when I have an upset tummy.... although he doesn't seem to mind (sick fucker :twisted:).

Years ago I had a Dalmation and she was a sensitive girl... very dainty... one day I was laying on the couch and she was on the couch with me... laying with her head on my thigh.... I ripped a good stinky one and she actually YELPED and bolted off the couch.... I was very impressed with myself


New Member
this one is not good for anything...except her pups bring $1000 bucks a piece. she's a big sweetie....



New Member
Gotta luv the dog, u just have to!
I usually have 3 dogs around but my 17 year old Rottie Heidi passed away, so after about a year I got a Chesapeake Retriever named 'Reagan" from a rescue facility to fill out the pack. Now in the interim I had 2 others a 15 year old mutt named Molly and a Goldie named Mimie, also rescued.
I only have one cat (Penny) and the 2 original dogs made peace with her. No problems until the Chessie Reagan showed up. She weighs about a 100 pounds so when she started to chase Penny the cat, the other 2 dogs broke their deal and went with the Chessie. This went on for about a month or so until one day I hear this dog RACKET, barking and crying and howling. I walk outside and there is Penny the cat with a squirrel in her mouth. the 3 dogs are sitting in a semi circle heads twisted freaking out!! Penny just sits like a Buddha with the squirrel still kicking. Ever since then, that cat can DO ANYTHING!!! She now sleeps with the Chessie!!

moral of the story: Dogs can admit when they are wrong.... gotta luv the dog!! :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i have a funny story about sasha's brother...cuz we got her from the next door neighbours, and they have her parents and her we cut a hole in the fence in the backyard so the dogs can play together whenever they want and have the run of 2 yards...the hole in the fence is right beside the shed in our backyard. back in may when i was cold out i would go outside and stand in the shed at night to toke my bong cuz the wind kept blowing out my damn it was about 1am and my neighbour had just got home from work, and he always lets the dogs out when he gets home. so im in the shed toking away getting stoned off my ass, when sasha's brother chico hears something in my yard (me) and comes thru the fence to look...hes stopped right in front of the shed and was looking around the yard...but it was really dark and he didnt see me cuz i was hidden. so i get all excited to see him and i say "chico!" not too loudly...and in my usually friendly voice...well...i scared the shit out of him! he jumped and took off running back to his own yard where he proceeds to start growling at me...hahahaha....funniest thing ever to see this huge 90lb boxer freak out and jump like...a foot in the i love those dogs! lol


New Member
HAHAHAHA!!! I feed Jack a lot of table scraps and he gets gas that I swear peels the paint off the walls. He sleeps on the floor next to my bed and I've woken up, more then once, from a dead sleep because of the foul air he's unleashed.

I do my best to repay him by ripping one in his face when I have an upset tummy.... although he doesn't seem to mind (sick fucker :twisted:).

Years ago I had a Dalmation and she was a sensitive girl... very dainty... one day I was laying on the couch and she was on the couch with me... laying with her head on my thigh.... I ripped a good stinky one and she actually YELPED and bolted off the couch.... I was very impressed with myself :mrgreen: farted on your dog...


Well-Known Member
Gotta luv the dog, u just have to!
I usually have 3 dogs around but my 17 year old Rottie Heidi passed away, so after about a year I got a Chesapeake Retriever named 'Reagan" from a rescue facility to fill out the pack. Now in the interim I had 2 others a 15 year old mutt named Molly and a Goldie named Mimie, also rescued.
I only have one cat (Penny) and the 2 original dogs made peace with her. No problems until the Chessie Reagan showed up. She weighs about a 100 pounds so when she started to chase Penny the cat, the other 2 dogs broke their deal and went with the Chessie. This went on for about a month or so until one day I hear this dog RACKET, barking and crying and howling. I walk outside and there is Penny the cat with a squirrel in her mouth. the 3 dogs are sitting in a semi circle heads twisted freaking out!! Penny just sits like a Buddha with the squirrel still kicking. Ever since then, that cat can DO ANYTHING!!! She now sleeps with the Chessie!!

moral of the story: Dogs can admit when they are wrong.... gotta luv the dog!! :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
that is an AWESOME story!!! oh man...i love animals :mrgreen:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Mine is not a real farter, just once in awhile like going up the steps or sitting down, lol.
My other lab, Bosco, he is a white lab. Well he is a big stoner. He actually comes and sits next to me and nudges me with his nose to give him a toke, lol. Or if you ask him if he wants a bong, his ears will perk up and he comes right over to you, Funny shit. I cup my hands and blow it out at him and he licks it all up, lol Kinda of lke a shotgun. bongsmilie:mrgreen::peace:

quote=Florida Girl;1567376]
HAHAHAHA!!! I feed Jack a lot of table scraps and he gets gas that I swear peels the paint off the walls. He sleeps on the floor next to my bed and I've woken up, more then once, from a dead sleep because of the foul air he's unleashed.

I do my best to repay him by ripping one in his face when I have an upset tummy.... although he doesn't seem to mind (sick fucker :twisted:).

Years ago I had a Dalmation and she was a sensitive girl... very dainty... one day I was laying on the couch and she was on the couch with me... laying with her head on my thigh.... I ripped a good stinky one and she actually YELPED and bolted off the couch.... I was very impressed with myself :mrgreen:[/quote]


Well-Known Member

HAHAHAHA!!! I feed Jack a lot of table scraps and he gets gas that I swear peels the paint off the walls. He sleeps on the floor next to my bed and I've woken up, more then once, from a dead sleep because of the foul air he's unleashed.

I do my best to repay him by ripping one in his face when I have an upset tummy.... although he doesn't seem to mind (sick fucker :twisted:).

Years ago I had a Dalmation and she was a sensitive girl... very dainty... one day I was laying on the couch and she was on the couch with me... laying with her head on my thigh.... I ripped a good stinky one and she actually YELPED and bolted off the couch.... I was very impressed with myself
sasha can have some of the stinkiest farts EVER and she ALWAYS farts on my bed. she will come in my room...get up on my bed and lay down...and within minutes i hear her let one go...shes such a brat...probably trying to give my pinkeye as some funny joke like in the movie knocked up...hahaha

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member farted on your dog...

LOL... yep.... now the dallie hated it and was so offended she yelped and ran away.

Jack is another story... fart in his face and he will do his best to jam his nose in your crack to get a better whiff.

I think it's no coincidence that my dallie was female and jack is male.

Also... whenever I take Jack to the beach he will find a washed up dead fish and roll around on it. The ride home in the car is not pleasant... I've learned to do the drive with my head hanging out the window ;)

slurms mckenzie

Active Member
I love dogs! My old roomate had a pit that was the nicest girl in the world, she would curl up in bed with me everynight, when he moved i had to get another dog because i missed her. lol. I got a much smaller one but she is still awesome, here she is, her name is Drea (dre-ah) 13 week old Boston. Oh and to stay on topic, she too is a farter.



New Member
Well, LOL's, farting seems to be a common denominator with our dogs. I think everything farts, maybe even worms (?)...
I will say this much about it, five years ago I started making all of my dog food myself. Typically I will slow cook a rack of chicken and beef heart or liver with vegetables (even the dreaded broccoli), a tad of olive oil, and a handful of rice, but not too much rice. Near the end I add organic grains and grasses and just blanche them. I typically get about two weeks worth in a batch. Costs about 15 bucks so a dollar a day to feed 3 dogs twice. But the farts!!! No reduction in the fart department, but BIG reduction in the SMELL dept.!! Now it's more like having three air compressors going off at night, but it's safe to light a match....:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
We have 3 Dogs

2, Male English Springer Spaniels . Both were from rescues when they were young, But You shoot a gun and they crawl under the couch ..WTF they are Hunting dogs .. But gun shy is a bitch when you have a great bred dog and that happens

And We have A female Black Lab , I found her running into traffic when she was about 6-9 months old , Took her home and she is still here .She has no fear , chases birds all day . and does not spook with gunshots ... Superior Dogs (I'm a big time lab lover)
But Every one of them are spoiled


Well-Known Member
Great thread!! Bout time someone brought our K-9's to the forefront. Chiceh, funny fart story...ROTMFLMAO

My Chihuahua will bite all your legs off