dog walkers?


Well-Known Member
i have been scouting for spots and i think i found one off a trail i run on. its about 100-150ft away from the trail, down a very steep hill and through a swampy/vernal pool area.

It is not uncommon for people to walk their dogs with and without leashes on this trail. im just wondering if a dog would smell the plants and go after them, which then might lead the owner to them? does coyote urine repel dogs like it does deer? there will only be two plants in that spot.



Well-Known Member
Dogs really dont have much of an interest in plants. Unless your hiding some doggy treats at your spot for some reason I wouldnt worry bout it too much. the only thing i could think of with the coyote pee would be that a dog might want to pee over it to mark it with his sent just like they do with other dogs.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that there are a huge amount of police men with there kK9 units jogging around the area are there? Cuz those are the only kind of dogs I see finding those plants and causing a ruccos!...


Well-Known Member
I don't think that there are a huge amount of police men with there kK9 units jogging around the area are there? Cuz those are the only kind of dogs I see finding those plants and causing a ruccos!...
yea im not talking about police and k9 units, but now that i think about it those are really the only dogs that know what weed is. theres probably a million other smells in the forest a normal dog would pay attention to haha.

i have a basset hound and it can always smell buds in my pocket so scent hounds might be interested. the average golden retriever probably wouldnt notice anything.

i was on the trail and suddenly got the image of a dog catching a whif of a plant and running into the woods to find it while the person chased after it. just wondered what people thought about it.

thanks i feel better now!


Well-Known Member
if ur really concerned about the dog thing forget the coyote piss. Ive been using wild cat urine I order from for several seasons to keep racoons, dogs, or anything else away besides maybe a bear or somethin. I have a lab pit mix and he wont go anywhere near my grow patch. I had 14 plants dug up and destroyed by racoons last season, re-planted immediately and spread wild cat urine once a week from then on out and didnt see a trace of anything the rest of the year. Its almost as good as a fence, atleast from my experience. but I definitely agree with everyone, 100ft isnt far enough away. I've walked that far off a trail just to piss before, you better have some good natural camo for ur babies if there gonna be that close.


Well-Known Member
you could tie the cat to a tree next to your grow for the summer. that should work just fine id assume.


Well-Known Member
if ur really concerned about the dog thing forget the coyote piss. Ive been using wild cat urine I order from for several seasons to keep racoons, dogs, or anything else away besides maybe a bear or somethin. I have a lab pit mix and he wont go anywhere near my grow patch. I had 14 plants dug up and destroyed by racoons last season, re-planted immediately and spread wild cat urine once a week from then on out and didnt see a trace of anything the rest of the year. Its almost as good as a fence, atleast from my experience. but I definitely agree with everyone, 100ft isnt far enough away. I've walked that far off a trail just to piss before, you better have some good natural camo for ur babies if there gonna be that close.
thanks dude i'll look into that stuff. like i said before i havent picked a spot yet but i dont think someone would walk down a 60 degree incline and then through swamp just to take a piss.