Dogs and or not?


Active Member
my doggies seem to love the ganja. they run over and sit in front of me as soon as they smell it.


Well-Known Member
You're missing the point. They don't get "stoned" as we know it. They may get drowsy and thirsty but they don't feel the effects like we do is what I am saying.
how in the hell would you know something like that?


New Member
Your dog is not going to get high. You can't eat bud and get high, you need heat to carbolyze the THC so your body can use it. Other than that there is no problem if your dog eats it.
i love psuedo intellectuals. this post is one of the most dumbest shit i ever heard. kudos for u NoDrama i love your intellegence ROLFLMAO


Well-Known Member
You're missing the point. They don't get "stoned" as we know it. They may get drowsy and thirsty but they don't feel the effects like we do is what I am saying.
Ah okay - that sounds more right. Yeah - don't know how he felt, but he was wasted ;O)


Well-Known Member
Weed is expensive, and unless I actually have my dogs come up and ask me for some, they won't get any!
And I too doubt that you can get high off eating bud that has not been extracted into oils (in the case of lip-balms) or heated to alter the structure of THC to a more effective compound.
are you guys serious????? hes absolutely right, thc is only lipid and alcohol soluble. thats why we make tinctures and oils and honeys and iso-hash, to break down the thc into a usuable form. wow.


Well-Known Member
I love getting my dog high...but its hard for me to do becuase he stays high for a long ass time...

One time i threw a party at my house and i just bought a 25$ we were loading the bong to smoke my dog runs up to the bag on the end of a lawn chair where my friend was sitting and scarffed the whole bag....that mother fucker was BLAZED for nearly a day n half. no joke...i just bought that sack hadn't smoked anything out of it...all gone in 1 big ass bite

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I love getting my dog high...but its hard for me to do becuase he stays high for a long ass time...

One time i threw a party at my house and i just bought a 25$ we were loading the bong to smoke my dog runs up to the bag on the end of a lawn chair where my friend was sitting and scarffed the whole bag....that mother fucker was BLAZED for nearly a day n half. no joke...i just bought that sack hadn't smoked anything out of it...all gone in 1 big ass bite
Again, all too familiar...


Well-Known Member
My dog ate an entire batch of weed butter and was stoned for 3 straight days, he couldn't even get up and my mom thought he was dying and wanted to put him down so I had to clue her in lol.


Well-Known Member
everytime i smoke my dog will jump on the bed and stare at me like she's waiting for me to pass her the blunt lol (sort of like she does when i have dog treats for her) i i always tell her to lay on the floor while i smoke because i dont want her inhaling the smoke directly seeing as smoke rises.. sometimes i let her stay in the bed tho (usually when im already baked and forget to tell her to get down). I would think if it bothered her she would leave the room but she always crawls closer to me and just watches me. I guess she wants a contact high :?

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Never seen a dog eat the buds but whenever I'm at my friends house and we're smoking the dog knows and will come to us waiting to get high. I figure, get it high a few times and see how it likes it, if it runs then don't be a jerk about it and force it on them but if they're coming back for more get that dog HIGH.

Also, had another friend who had a rabbit and we'd feed him all the stems we'd have and he loved it. Never seemed to be a problem and he would eat a lot of stems at a time. I really couldn't say much on the health effects cause I just don't know but I always stick to not forcing on them......except I used to put a cat in a pillowcase and blow hits into it so I wasn't always so respectable.


Are you sure? I'm asking because my friend's dog once ate some leftover cake worth 5 grams of great hash. If the dog did not recept the cannabinoids he was definitely having a bad allergic reaction from the cake becaus he was STONED. He could not walk straight. First we didn't know what was wrong with him and drove to the vet. Then the buddy called about his missing cake. So how does the dog get REALLY stoned if he doesn't have the cannabinoid receptors?
Was there any CHOCOLATE in the missing cake?!?
My dogs gets high on chocolate!
You can see it in their eyes, 'glazing' over.
Too much may lead to death!
I try my best to keep 'em away from it!


my friend and i baked chocolate pot brownies once and my friend hid them under his bed in tupperwear, his dog is a medium sized dog anyways the dog chewed through the tupperwear and ate THE WHOLE PAN of brownies we made, the dog was fucking stoned as we know it so i disagree with the statement above us she couldnt walk her eyes were like a china mans, she was so high his mom was like wtf you give the dog and hes like she ATE all my chocolate weed brownies, anyways the dog slept it off for like 12 hours
Again, It contains CHOCOLATE!