dogs and weed?

Umm, boo hoo?
Yeah my dad killed himself. Dig deeper, and you'll find that my wife got killed my a drunk driver. Boo hoo....
I'm fat, oh, no! You got me.

Your ticket smells.
Now he's really done it I'm fucking pissed now....My dad died 13 years ago... Ignorant people try to use other peoples hardships to hurt but little do they know what comes around goes around and karma is supreme.
Yo green fuck arguing with an asshole racist his mind is not right and his plants are shit at least I got a job he wishes he could have.
Is the troll the one who asked you to quit being a prick or the guy who kept on? You posted a youtube video, and kept this shit going. Who's a troll. Obviously those things bother you or you wouldnt have turned to such distructive behavior. (I.E. alcohol and excessive amounts of food) I wanted to end this BS but you couldn't let go. Let me show you how a man keeps his word. I will not post on this forum again. I'm sorry for bringing your personal life into this. You fueled the fire with your fat loose lips. You would think someone with as much grammer sense as you would know better then to post personal shit like that. Sorry bout your wife drunk drivers suck. Get off your ass and loose some weight, so maybe you can get up enough courage to leave your house and your keyboard. I'm going to steal some of your thunder

Qoute "grammer" Qoute
Green Inferno
It's grammar

I'm sure theres more corrections for you to make homie, get your posts counts up
That's how you get the last word you 34 year old baby.
Excuse me, but what are wrong with crossword puzzles?

I like crossword puzzles.

But I only do them in the the dark

While eating strawberry ice cream

with chocolate sprinkles on the bottom.

thank fuck some1 got sense humour. this got pretty nasty guys. guessing people out off smoke
Sorry to hear about that, I've lost family members to suicide too.

I guess it's part of life. It's the hand I've been dealt. I am playing my hand.
If this guy wants to use it against me in an internet argument, it shows what he is really like.

In real life, if he came to my house and said that stuff, outside the safety of his internet and mommies
bosom, well, you draw the conclusion. Do I have anything to lose? You'd be winning on "no".
Excuse me, but what are wrong with crossword puzzles?

I like crossword puzzles.

But I only do them in the the dark

While eating strawberry ice cream

with chocolate sprinkles on the bottom. the dark nude eating ice cream I can't stop laughing
Oh why'd you go there? Racism is the highest form of ignorance is that all you have to come at me with? You started talking shit in this thread. Do you even own a dog right now? I know why you only have 240 posts up. You couldn't afford to pay your internet so you had to go out and sell yourself to old men for money. Does your boyfriend know you talking to men and you know how jealous he gets.

I am a Mexican (well, 1/2), and I have friends of all colors. I will do anything for them. My best friend is a black guy. I would die for him. He is good people.
Now he's really done it I'm fucking pissed now....My dad died 13 years ago... Ignorant people try to use other peoples hardships to hurt but little do they know what comes around goes around and karma is supreme.

I'm with you bro. Sorry for your loss dude.
Karma is not an enemy you want.
Is the troll the one who asked you to quit being a prick or the guy who kept on? You posted a youtube video, and kept this shit going. Who's a troll. Obviously those things bother you or you wouldnt have turned to such distructive behavior. (I.E. alcohol and excessive amounts of food) I wanted to end this BS but you couldn't let go. Let me show you how a man keeps his word. I will not post on this forum again. I'm sorry for bringing your personal life into this. You fueled the fire with your fat loose lips. You would think someone with as much grammer sense as you would know better then to post personal shit like that. Sorry bout your wife drunk drivers suck. Get off your ass and loose some weight, so maybe you can get up enough courage to leave your house and your keyboard. I'm going to steal some of your thunder

Qoute "grammer" Qoute
Green Inferno
It's grammar

I'm sure theres more corrections for you to make homie, get your posts counts up
That's how you get the last word you 34 year old baby.

You're pretty reckless behind the veil of your mommies computer.
Would you honestly say those things to me, to our faces, a big fat Mexican? Or Mr. Styles, a black guy?
I will turn you into a taco!!!
i agree 100% with you there, all my life i have fed my pets from the table,. you name it they eat it. if u never smoked weed befor ya ur gonna be uckedup. if ur uded to it then sure mabe you wanna smoke another right ? yup yup. my dog will eat ur bag if he finds it