dogs and weed?

Fucking Blunt(my dog) ate some more bottom leaves off my moms and I didn't force him to eat them. Fucking dog my female only eats leaves when I throw them on the ground.
I kinda was smoking tuff yesterday and my son got hella high"whoops" he was having one hell of a good time ate 2 bowls of food and chewed up two freaking ropes hahahah he's still assed out upside down on his side of the bed kinda fuuny hahhaaha he's snoring like a champ. I usally really good about it because of where he came from and the abuse linked to cronic but i got to say its been 5 years of living in a good home and he was surrounded by his friends yesterday got blazed and enjoyed himself so much it was great i might have to start smoking him out more. And whoever says i dont know my dog ive spent more time with him then you probably have with your own children and im one hell of a dad thats why ive kept it away for 5 years but now the abuse ins in the past and he likes the herb now shit even after my buds left yesterday Lemme was still content with his ropes just straight fucking them up he was plying like he was a carefree pup it made me happy to see him having so much fun. Been 2 weeks sense he lost his kitty so hes been down and not eating much till yesterday. Its was nice to see his smile again he is taking it rather ruff and isnt sure where his kitty is:-(

R.I.P meatball my bong hitting kitty
:lol:easy all. see there is peace in the thread finally. good good. think that mimm got booted as i swear he had a journal now i cant c it so maybe is some justice in the world. green infernal hope you chilled abit bro and didnt dwell on the comments other night. as you know life is short so dont dwell. and always a bad apple from time to time. i no you was on the wind up but they was harsh and way outta line on the returns and shouldnt off got that personal bout u and your past.i wish you all the best man and hope you find your feet again and manage to build as happy a future as possible. you have gone through more then most. but life is full off twists and i think you r due some luck and happiness. i mean i have bin through alot but not even close to you. i had gf who had two misscarridges. splitt with her after she went bit crazy and hated men, then my next gf had a still birth and told she couldnt have kids. i dont listen to docs and we tryed again and now i have a gorgeous daughter very loud and fun and loves animals(daddys miracle) and a cool little step son and misses i dont deserve. they have straightened me out and got me off th wrong road. so even wen chips r down if you beleive in self anything is possible. poor that bottle away fella and rebuild. am here if need me if ever th need:lol:
oh and back to dogs. i c all yous feel sad when think bout past mates and pets. should put smile on face instead by remembering there funny ways and th love they have for you. i have a 3 year old male staff. old school english style with short legs and drainpipe tail. big head and huge neck. cant get my 2 hands round it that big and at th age off 1 he was stocky and more muscles then th avarage male fully grown. he loves all people but bit scared by cats as he normally runs from them the softy. now reason y i mention him is wen i 1st meet him he was all skin and bones and had bin seperated from mum to early and showing neves and bad behavour. i ask owners y so shabby and they said he had bin sold few weeks before and acted odd and refused use his back legs so was returned, and booked in to b put to sleep end week so they wasnt bothered by his health. now when this dog saw me he went mad and was running bout just fine and playful. they said i could have for 300. i laughed and said i was leaving wit him for nothing and wood retrain him and get him to the vets asap.if they tried to stop me i would off gone mental and rearranged there faces. reluctantly they agreed i got my dog and saved him from a sealed fate and they kept ther faces intact. all round good deal. i wish i took pic when i got him as looks different dog as could c rib between shouldrs made me crazy angry. and i have had no probs with him other then gypies trying nick him once but didnt manage it as mate spotted them and made them drive off
:lol:easy all. see there is peace in the thread finally. good good. think that mimm got booted as i swear he had a journal now i cant c it so maybe is some justice in the world. green infernal hope you chilled abit bro and didnt dwell on the comments other night. as you know life is short so dont dwell. and always a bad apple from time to time. i no you was on the wind up but they was harsh and way outta line on the returns and shouldnt off got that personell bout u and your past.i wish you all the best man and hope you find your feet again and manage to build as happy a future as possible. you have gone through more then most. but life is full off twists and i think you r due some luck and happiness. i mean i have bin through alot but not even close to you. i had gf who had two misscarridges. splitt with her after she went bit crazy and hated men, then my next gf had a still birth and told she couldnt have kids. i dont listen to docs and we tryed again and now i have a gorgeous daughter very loud and fun and loves animals(daddys miracle) and a cool little step son and misses i dont deserve. they have straightened me out and got me off th wrong road. so even wen chips r down if you beleive in self anything is possible. poor that bottle away fella and rebuild. am here if need me if ever th need:lol:

Yeah, I'm still here :D

More of a "reading" day instead of posting stuff. I'm not one to even argue with people, but sometimes the anger will get the better of me, and biting my tongue hurts.
Usually when there is a disagreement I'll just nod and smile, and be on my way. Usually...
I need to shut my computer off and not answer emails and/or spend time on the forum when I'm upset.

I haven't drank in 3 days now. I have about 2 shots of whiskey remaining in the bottle, after that, I'm gonna wait a few weeks before I get anymore. Cutting back is
probably a good idea. Good thing it is not an addiction. I just indulge too much, and my tolerance is a little high...

I never had to deal with miscarriages personally. My cousin had a few, she was pretty upset. She's pregnant right now, again, the doctors told her she could die if she
got pregnant again. Some medical thing, can't remember the term.

PM me whenever you want. Take care.
well thats top form matey glad you r made off unbreakable stuff. good luck with cousin and if she is anything like my ex then not having a child is as bad as being dead t her. i no that sounds crazy to most but my ex was told the same bout high risks but she went ahead after that kinda advise cos as she sad to me her calling in life was to b a great mum not being able to do that made her feel dead inside. but as i have said she was also due some luck and it came in right on cue. my kid is spoilt rotten by her mummy and me in different ways and she will never feel unloved or in need off anyhing as long as i have breathe in me and heart still beating. anyways enough off the serious stuff here i will b boring the thread. any funny pet storys or jokes to lighten the mood. having a j and a chuckle is needed. peace
oh and back to dogs. i c all yous fell sad when think bout past mates and pets. should put smile on face instead by remembering there funny ways and th love they have for you. i have a 3 year old male staff. old school english style with short legs and drainpipe tail. big head and huge neck. cant get my 2 hands round it that big and at th age off 1 he was stocky and more muscles then th avarage male fully grown. he loves all people but bit scared by cats as he normally runs from them the softy. nowr eason y i mention him is wen i 1st meet him he was all skin and bones and had bin seperated from mum to early and showing neves and bad behavour. i ask owners y so shabby and they said he had bin sold few weeks before and acted odd and refused use his back legs so was returned, and booked in to b put to sleep end week so they wasnt bothered by his health. now when this dog saw me he went mad and was running bout just fine and playful. they said i could have for 300. i laughed and said i was leaving wit him for nothing and wood retrain him and get him to the vets asap.if they tried to stop me i would off gone mental and rearranged there faces. reluctantly they agreed i got my dog and saved him from a sealed fate and they kept ther faces intact. all round good deal. i wish i took pic when i got him as looks different dog as could c rib between shouldrs made me crazy angry. and i have had no probs with him other then gypies trying nick him once but didnt manage it as mate spotted them and made them drive off

+rep bet you haven't ever had a friend like him before right:-) rescue a dog and you will know the true meaning of companionship true loyal endless love they have for you theres nothing that beats it. My dog always jumps me when i get home even if its just to go out to the mail box its still like ive been gone for weeks nothing but jumping wiggling and sniffing me all about.
well thats top form matey glad you r made off unbreakable stuff. good luck with cousin and if she is anything like my ex then not having a child is as bad as being dead t her. i no that sounds crazy to most but my ex was told the same bout high risks but she went ahead after that kinda advise cos as she sad to me her calling in life was to b a great mum not being able to do that made her feel dead inside. but as i have said she was also due some luck and it came in right on cue. my kid is spoilt rotten by her mummy and me in different ways and she will never feel unloved or in need off anyhing as long as i have breathe in me and heart still beating. anyways enough off the serious stuff here i will b boring the thread. any funny pet storys or jokes to lighten the mood. having a j and a chuckle is needed. peace

On the subject of giving animals weed, and funny stories, I have 2.

First, I was maybe 19 at the time, 1996 there around, I was with some friends hanging in the downtown at a statue were a lot of stoners gathered,
there was a friendly squirrel that would come get food out of your hand, I fed him all the time, he loved Doritos. That particular day we were on LSD
(I haven't done that since 1998 ) me and a friend had an oz all rolled up in joints. My friend was being a dumbass, and was waving one joint in front of
the squirrel, well, that little bastard snatched it up and ran up the tree with it. I told him not to do it....

Second, about a year later, I was rolling joints up, maybe had 5 or 6, one rolled onto the floor, and my cat started playing with it, batting it around,
so I let him have his fun, but then he snatched it up and ran under the water bed, I couldn't reach him. He came out about 3 hours later walking sideways
and running into stuff. I felt pretty bad, but it was still very funny.

Maybe you had to be there for it to be funny.....

Here's a google maps image of the statue I was talking about, 15 years later, people still gather there.

Hahaha that little fucker stole your joint hahaha wave one in front of me and see waht happens hehehehe thats funny i woulda punch my buddy for that one just one less joint to smoke:-)

hahah both of them stole your joint i mean shit the cat could have at least shared. My buddy cat will eat his plants and then piss on the ones he dont eat needless to say we put a stop to that hahahah he couldnt figure out why one plant looked so shredded to shit and the others ones yellowing and dying then i caught the little bastard at work just eating away i just watched the cat "not my plants and it was funny" the cat ate and ate then turned around and sprayed them a couple times hahahah little fucker. Oh and i sooooo didnt smoke off that crop he tried giving me some for the help and i didnt want it even tho he flushed the shit out of the plants and sprayed them all down a bucnh of times i just could get the image of the cat squirting nasty on them ahahhaah
Hahaha that little fucker stole your joint hahaha wave one in front of me and see waht happens hehehehe thats funny i woulda punch my buddy for that one just one less joint to smoke:-)

hahah both of them stole your joint i mean shit the cat could have at least shared. My buddy cat will eat his plants and then piss on the ones he dont eat needless to say we put a stop to that hahahah he couldnt figure out why one plant looked so shredded to shit and the others ones yellowing and dying then i caught the little bastard at work just eating away i just watched the cat "not my plants and it was funny" the cat ate and ate then turned around and sprayed them a couple times hahahah little fucker. Oh and i sooooo didnt smoke off that crop he tried giving me some for the help and i didnt want it even tho he flushed the shit out of the plants and sprayed them all down a bucnh of times i just could get the image of the cat squirting nasty on them ahahhaah

Same here, wave a joint in my face you'll get to see a magic trick.
Now you see it, now you don't. Disappearing joint. Tadaaa!
yeah hes over loyal to b honest crys if make him wait in different room or go out for 5 mins and he crying at window. them moment im in th door hes like a mad cannon ball bouncing and knocking everything over. hesa spoilt dog has run off house and endless toys but has some personality. very protective at night only with groups youth and thats something i havent trained. he walks off lead and is by my side and doesnt get angry with other dogs unless they mess with his toys. thats quite impressive for that breed off dog at that age with his balls still. he surprises most people with his caring nature. bit off a celebrity on his walks get endless complements. shame no pappers for his pedegree or i would off defo put him in a show. i likes th squirrel story ya man had it coming.:lol:
staffs are good dogs, very loyal. post a pic if your comfortable w/it. He sounds sweet

I had a little brindle English Staff his name was Lucifer, we called him Lucy. He was very mischievous.
OMG the above pic looks exactly like my staffie "Rocky".
I have only been smoking/doing edibles a few months, but I must say, my dog is drawn to the small of the canna butter like moths to a flame, after making a hugee batch of rice krispy treats last time, I had made a pretty design on top with liq choc. they were not only strong, but pretty! I was going to take some to my local disp/collective, well during the night as I slept, my dog not only reached the plate they were on, but managed to undo 4 layers of saran wrap...there were 24 rice krispy treats when I went to bed...when I woke! He left the saran wrap and paper plate on the kitchen floor! So when he woke up I noticed he wasn't able to walk right, kind of staggering..I was so scared, 24 of these things, and mind you...1 small one makes me sleep for 10 hours (I normally never can sleep more than a couple hours) so this batch was going to be what I traded for my 2 month supply of weed (I don't smoke a LOT)
Since this incident he's what I call schitzy! He shakes for no reason, and on numerous occasions has just pee'd wherever he felt like (he was a totally house trained dog, no accidents ever)
I haven't read all comments, but my morals tell me it is wrong to give an animal a mind altering substance, as they have no "free choice" in the matter, but I DO have to say, I've always heard pot is NOT addictive, this dog now will tear through a bag of garbage to find a butter wrapper!! He IS addicted! (and he NEVER ever got into garbage before, either!!) I WILL NOT LET HIM NEAR MY GROW ROOM!!
I would never intentionally give or blow smoke at an animal, but had a b/f many yrs ago that blew some in my parrots direction a few times he was over, this bird would sing/talk/chirp like made every time she heard a vw bug, and she just loved this guy!! (She thought it was HIM) so I know it is possible that they can realllly like it!
my 2 cents~
I have 2 staffies and a mastif .,.,and when I trim they beg for the leaves...they get a few and a popcorn bud or 2..they really like it...after a awhile they just go crash out on the dog has a pulled ACL on her hind leg and limps sometimes..when she eats some leaves and a bud..she walks with out the limp and actully runs around with the other dogs...
I seen a article where the Vet Med society is coming out with a cannabis patch for it can't be all that bad....

Just don't over do the amount you give them is all..don't get them toasted is all..mellow is best HAHA

My dog would ignore me for half the day then sit next to me quietly while I'm chopping, then after I'd had a few puffs of the joint start whining at me, he doesn't like being around cigarette smoke so blowing a little smoke his way was not on my mind, so after weeks of this I decided hey, blow a little smoke his way... Turns out he was saying "Pass that shit mother fucker!!!" now I can't even roll a cigarette without him sitting down right beside me...
my dog is warming himself under my T5 right now, maybe cause its 35F outside. my pup loves to get some blown his way, he uses his tongue as his nose and its always out. A few sneezes and a couple nose digs into the blankets on the couch and he is good for the night, just make sure his fat ass is in his kennel for the night and not on the couch, he is a bitch to wake up and tell to move. Reminds me of the guy that lived here for 2 weeks and never moved.:blsmoke: