Dogs, choppers and cops in my yard


Well-Known Member
Tracking K-9 are different dogs then the drug k-9s.They are trained completely different as for the reason you said about confusing scents.


Well-Known Member
I walked my back yard a little while ago and found a cell phone that was thrown over my fence from the house next door. I just got back from dropping it off at the police station. As much as I hate the police I dont like the idea of a gunman running free.


Well-Known Member
Yea so last night my neighbor got shot. I had state troopers, local cops and 2 k9 units running around in my yard. As well as a chopper hovering above my house. Scary Good thing they were looking for the shooter and not my plants. Just to be safe I shut everything down for a few hours I hope it doenst turn my plants into hermies. I was shitting a brick for a little while. Very scary stuff.
welcome to my city every weekend minus the shooting and dogs, tons of cops on patrol and chopper in the air all night long tho


New Member
Yeah it wouldn't hurt to have one around.

The closest I have come to anything like that was just last november i had 3 cops outside my house and when one of them asked to come in, I said "no" and she said "why not do you have a grow op in there or something" and I looked at her and said "no I just am not comfortable with strangers in my house especially if they are cops" and she backed off.

Meanwhile I had 5 huge 6 to 7 foot skeletons in my backyard from the crop i just took down and almost 2 pounds of weed drying in my house.

Hey slappyboy...good point.

if they are really after you this won't help -- but for a situation you just described it might work...


Well-Known Member
Yeah it wouldn't hurt to have one around.

The closest I have come to anything like that was just last november i had 3 cops outside my house and when one of them asked to come in, I said "no" and she said "why not do you have a grow op in there or something" and I looked at her and said "no I just am not comfortable with strangers in my house especially if they are cops" and she backed off.

Meanwhile I had 5 huge 6 to 7 foot skeletons in my backyard from the crop i just took down and almost 2 pounds of weed drying in my house.

Hey slappyboy...good point.
Haha. I would have just been standing there with shit dripping down my leg...


Well-Known Member
Yeah it wouldn't hurt to have one around.

The closest I have come to anything like that was just last november i had 3 cops outside my house and when one of them asked to come in, I said "no" and she said "why not do you have a grow op in there or something" and I looked at her and said "no I just am not comfortable with strangers in my house especially if they are cops" and she backed off.

Meanwhile I had 5 huge 6 to 7 foot skeletons in my backyard from the crop i just took down and almost 2 pounds of weed drying in my house.

Hey slappyboy...good point.

was it OPP lacy or your town cops?

OPP enjoys fucking with me alot, pull me over any chance they get, i guess its the shaved head look and cause i have a few colored friends :S oh well


New Member
It was 3 o.p.p and they weren't there screwing with my head. It was about my dog and I was trippin' and the driver didn't know what to do. :o

I've never been in trouble wiht the cops and have no worries with them.

Not that I HAVE to like them mind you. ;)
was it OPP lacy or your town cops?

OPP enjoys fucking with me alot, pull me over any chance they get, i guess its the shaved head look and cause i have a few colored friends :S oh well


New Member
Ok I am sort of exaggerating the truth here.

I SHOULD have been in plenty of trouble with the cops from the things I have done but somehow managed to not to:roll: And I don't get it.

I once got so drunk (back when i was younger and drank)
that while out partying with FRIENDS, I started panicking so decided to taker someone's car without their permission and take off down the road totally intoxicated. :o
I'm lucky I wasn't put away. That was real insane of me.:dunce::dunce::wall:

I once got caught speeding doing over 120 in a 60 km zone and got pulled over. It was a newbie woman cop and she thought for sure that it was some kind of a prank that her fellow officers were pulling on her and couldn't stop laughing until I convinced her that it wasn't.

I should have just told her yeah it was a prank and took off. Again I was really young. I did however get a ticket but she was laughing so hard that she only gave me 30 kms above otherwise she told me that she would have to come have someone tow it away and that would have sucked.

I once decided to go for a swim in the middle of the night and took off on my motorcycle. I had a great swim and smoked a great joint. :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: I'm as high as ever and all of a sudden I see this unmarked car behind me with a couple of guys that all of a sudden stick a light on top of their car and chase me down. Ok I was speeding.

When i was pulled over they told me to take off my helmet and I wouldn't because I didn't believe they were cops until they pulled out their badge. :?

So I had to take off my helmet and show them my license ...and yadda yadda

They then checked out my bike said 'nice' laughed and left.
I still to this day don't know if they were really cops or just messin' wif my head. Its funny now that I think about it but at the time I was pissed. (as in mad..not drunk):cuss::finger:

I once got caught speeding in a military base by their own and instead of getting a ticket the guy asked me out for a date. :blsmoke::lol:

I kid you not people. its sounds totally bogus but its true. i've been REALLY REALLY lucky in regards to cops.
Bless their hearts. You guys are gonna hate me. ;)


Well-Known Member
We used to get picked up by the cops and then they would take us to the southside beat us with billy clubs and phone boooks so not to leave to many marks then dump us out at the projects after taking all our money...I dont like them very much for that lol


New Member
Oh good lord. that si terrible. And in that case I don't blame you. :o Shocking Slappyboy.
We used to get picked up by the cops and then they would take us to the southside beat us with billy clubs and phone boooks so not to leave to many marks then dump us out at the projects after taking all our money...I dont like them very much for that lol


New Member
Ok I guess I am not giving myself a good reputation here but it was a LONG time ago and I now know better.

I don't speed or drink now at all.:mrgreen: Not that I drank much when i was a kid.

The funniest thing was that the cops that pulled me over for drunk driving even bought me coffee, donuts and took me straight home to my front door. They were such kind gentleman. (they didn't have to do that.) I should have landed my butt in jail but glad I didn't. :o

It was almost like they were babysitting. :lol: I suppose they were. :cry:


New Member
Sorry Dats. i kinda took over your thread.

I sure hope everything is ok in your neighbourhood. That would be a very scary thing.

Have you found out what happened to your neighbour????