Doing 2C-E this weekend. Any suggestions on what to do?

i went shopping last time i dropped E. i stayed in the store for 2 hours and had a giant cartload of food and talked to a ton of people i didnt know. lol it was fun though


Well-Known Member
i went shopping last time i dropped E. i stayed in the store for 2 hours and had a giant cartload of food and talked to a ton of people i didnt know. lol it was fun though
You might wanna change that EMO CULTURE generated name... or deather rocker name: kittenbeater-- too southern for my taste!

But... rolling is fun... it has its few good moments until it becomes no more! But back to the point of the thread...

In no way would grapefruit, hawiian punch, apple juice, orange juice would potentiate a cannabis high...

HEY KIDS...drink a whole gallon of OJ.... AND you'll roll balls. Silly, silly sayings!

RC Maniac

New Member
Drink a gallon or two of rootbeer and you'll be rolling if you can get over the sickness from the two gallons of liquid in your stomach which only has a capacity of little over a quarter gallon. :-)

RC Maniac

New Member
I've been agonizing over some of the threads that have been on here, or at least how they turned out. :-)

Some how I deleted my operating system on my laptop. :cry: Now I'm on afriends downloading a new one. :-( My posts will be slow.