Doing it SCOGGY Style


Active Member
I'm about to try my hand with scrogging. I read secrets of the west coast masters and several posts on here and have to give it a shot.

Im going to be using Jillybean and chocalope

Soil grow with fox farm line of nutes

Mix of HPS and LED lights

Im a little ways out from doing this but once I thought of the title i had to post. I will have some updates and pictures soon.

joliet jake

Active Member
Love the title. :)
So yea I am really wanting to learn this too. I will watch and I do plan on trying a small scrog grow soon.


Active Member
It's been a while but I'm back. I've re-setup my room for what will become a 6 station continuous grow with 2 3x3 scrogs being harvested every 3-4 weeks (I think)
I set the scrogs up to move - they are on wheels and will be moved from station 1-3 in 2 different rows with different grow lights. the first row is all LED starting with a small blackstar, going to a 500 watt Spectra to finish the second row starts with a 250 watt Spectra LED and then goes to a 400 watt HID and finishes with a 600 watt HID.

I have two Jillybean in the screens now and just put them in the bloom bloom room on Friday. I'm new to scrog so I'm always open to suggestions and help!

Here are the pictures so far: In 3 weeks I'll add 2 more scrogs and 6 weeks 2 more to complete the rotation.



Active Member
Here is a quick update on how things are coming along. My 400 Watt ballast blew out on me so I put up some more LED lights that I had in its place. Outside of that I built 2 more scrog frames and put a blueberry and purple kush in the flowering room. I made the 2 new scrog frames 2" shorter than my original frames and will see what I like when it comes to making my final 2 frames within the next 3 weeks

In 3 more weeks I will put 2 more Jillybean in the flower room and will have a 6 plant perpetual scrog grow



Well-Known Member
I like your grow dude.. I have been thinking of going to led mainly for the less power used, and no heat do you have any AC? I also like how your scrogs move around I think bigger pots would be an improvement..

good job im going to keep watching..


Active Member
I don't have any AC running (outside of central air) the temps on an average summer day around around 78 and on hot summer days I've had around 82-83.

The moveable scrog makes it nice so I can move them into the 3 stages and makes it easier to trim, clean, and inspect.

I have a few larger pots that I'll be getting to soon, the ones in the pictures are 5 gallon Warrior Pots, they have a "mesh" cone that runs up the inside middle or them to provide air to the roots for pruning. I've been pretty happy with the results but will be trying a few larger options as I move forward.


Well-Known Member
I think when i start my indoor back up im going to up-size from 5 gal bags to 10-15 gal and build scrog rollers just like yours and do about about 20 in my room with 6 1000's on light movers what are you yeild from your setup? looks like you have one almost ready


Active Member
I'm new to growing and even newer to the scrog. I have yet to harvest from a scrog yet, I'm about 6 weeks out from my first two jillybeans. So far my best yeild is just under 3.5 ounces. Between the two scrogs my goal is to get around a pound every 3 weeks once I get my feet wet.

I hope to get some good help and feedback from posting to speed up my learning curve.


Active Member
Just put in a tub of ladie bugs. Want to make sure all pests are held at bay. They seemed pretty active in the tub but haven't done much since spreading them around. Maybe it takes time to adjust?


Active Member
Update: Left to Right: Purple Kush, not sure if this strain is a "scrog" strain or if I should have let her veg longer. She isn't filling out the screen but should produce more in the scrog either way - I hope! Next to that is DJ Shortts BlueBerry - same kind of issue, not really filling out the screen but I would imagine I should yeild better using this method - time will tell. Next shot is of one of the Jillybean pheno's this one was a bit smaller than the one under the HPS. I'm not sure what will happen with this one but she is FROSTY already after that is a tub with some Jillybean girls that didnt look too good when I took them out of the cloner so I figured I would throw them in some dirt and see what would happen: the next couple shots are of the larger Jillybean, she is looking really good! not filling the screen fully but I'm feeling good about her but again, time will tell. The last shot is what will be in my next two scrog frames. I'm going to try putting two girls under each screen to see if it fills out and test the yeild (they are all Jillybean)


Well-Known Member
nice lady bugs are nice.... yes it looks like it would be a good scrog strain just need to veg longer to get more tops,, you should switch to flower when you have at least 60+ tops how long did you veg? everything looks like its coming together nicely...i like purple kush..:weed:

hey check out the scrog screen i just built for my outdoor......


Active Member
They were in veg for around 3 weeks, should have went 4-5. I will learn and grow. Purple kush is really good under LED, it looks like you sprinkled sugar all over it.

I have some critical kush seeds I'm going to start next month, pretty excited to get that going


Well-Known Member
4-5 would of payed off nicely.. but your right its a learning processes.. never herd of critical kush what breader you get them from?? I have some Trinity kush and some og kush outside right now kush is my fav..


Active Member
It's Barney's Farm, blend of Critical Mass and OG Kush. OG Kush is one of my top strains and "they claim" with the Critical Mass in it to get crazy high yeilds.


Active Member
Just put three critical kush seeds into distiller water. Once they crack I'll move them to wet paper towel then peat blocks. Really looking forward to seeing what they can do.

All is looking good with the jilly girls. I'll post some pics by end of week


Active Member
I just finished the final two SCROGs. I have now completed my perpetual setup! Here are some pics, I have Critical Kush Seeds in the red cups, a few clones in the cloner, few ladies getting started in veg and then the flower room SCROG setup, this is doing it SCROGGY style. Well, it will be once I get better at the SCROG technique...