doing shrooms for the first time


Don't freak out, no matter what. write it on your arm or something
And put yourself in a good atmosphere
And yes, no idiots :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If anything gets rough just remember your only on a drug and it will be over soon. Youll have a great time I bet, and most likely laugh your ass off!


Well-Known Member
Your first time? Don't eat more than an 1/8. If you can, be outside in nature, makes for a more pleasant atmosphere. If you are stuck inside, turn out the lights and listen to some psychedelic rock like Tool or Pink Floyd.

And avoid idiots. :mrgreen:

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
have fun, laugh, dance, enjoy that first trip...just make sure you are 100% comfortable with the people your are doing them with. I still remember my first trip....WOW!!!


Active Member
Well, I am tripping balls of awesome... I don't know what else to say, I can't stop laughing though. Not even sure this makes sense.
all i gotta say is i hope your having fun. and do the lemon juice tek next time if your mentally prepared.

have fun in space man :blsmoke:


Active Member
I'm still tripping, but very lightly. Boyfriend and I couldn't sleep, we actually had sex out of boredom, but he's being hysterical, swears it lasted five hours. The friends we took them with were a bad choice; we didn't realize that they aren't emotionally stable, the guy, this is only his fifth time smoking and he fucking flipped shit and started bawling. It's all a very long story, but they gave my trip so much anxiety that I was hating them hardcore. Now I'm just worried and hope they forget everything. They probably won't even do weed after tonight.


One time when i tripped i had a car crash outside my house, no fatalities luckily...i swore id never ride my motorbike again...was on it the next day...ur friends will be fine, probably embarrassed they freaked though.



Active Member
One time when i tripped i had a car crash outside my house, no fatalities luckily...i swore id never ride my motorbike again...was on it the next day...ur friends will be fine, probably embarrassed they freaked though.

I knew they'd be fine, I was just worried about their reaction. It's all complicated, but they don't want to do shrooms again and I don't want to trip with them again, so it works out. My guy friend just wasn't equipped to handle it and my other friend was up his ass asking him if he was okay and they both ignored me when I tried to help.

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Yeah you gotta be with the right people and outdoors is a good idea as well. Second best trip I ever had was on shrooms. The best was microdots....oh boy if I could find those again I'd be a real happy dude.


Active Member
Your all going to be giggly, trippy idiots, so don't listen to four words of infinite wisdom. First off. Shrooms taste like shit....literally sometimes. Put them in a pbj sandwich, lots of jelly. Wash it down with some oj. (my preference, not needed) And make sure you don't leave where you trip! being in jail trippin balls fuckin sucks!

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Your all going to be giggly, trippy idiots, so don't listen to four words of infinite wisdom. First off. Shrooms taste like shit....literally sometimes. Put them in a pbj sandwich, lots of jelly. Wash it down with some oj. (my preference, not needed) And make sure you don't leave where you trip! being in jail trippin balls fuckin sucks!
LMAO!!! Trippin in jail? Oh hell naw!!! Fucking freak out for sure!

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
I had about 7 guys trippin at my bachelor party, and 1 "sober/drunk off his ass" babysitter. I guess we ignored one of my friends, and he came up to me with this sad look on his face. He asked "Am I disgusting or something?" To which I replied "Uhhh....what?", and then he went OFF! He got mad at us for ignoring him and spent the rest of the night in his truck. I thought for sure it would be wierd the next morning, but it wasnt. We laughed about it the next morning and still joke about it today. I now only trip with a select few people, but i fucking love shrooms.